Page 52 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 52

Service Enhancement Presentations

            Poster Presentations

            F-P1  Better Manage Growing Service Demands

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P1.1   AU Jocelyn   Senior      Community Rehabilitation   Building Service Excellency of Driver Rehabilitation
                                   Occupational   Service Support Centre, Queen   Service in Community Rehabilitation Service Support
                                   Therapist   Elizabeth Hospital     Centre

             F-P1.2   CHAN Chung-man Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Early Infant-Caregiver Programme to Empower
                      Barbara      Therapist I  Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling   Mother-infant Interaction
                                               Nethersole Hospital

             F-P1.3   CHAN Fung-ying  Associate   Paediatrics, Prince of Wales   Developmental Outcome of Birth Cohort 2012-13
                      Dorothy      Consultant  Hospital               under New Territories East Cluster Comprehensive
                                                                      Child Development Service

             F-P1.4   CHAN Fei     Associate   Medicine and Geriatrics, Tung   Proactive Geriatric Consultations to Improve
                                   Consultant  Wah Group of Hospitals Fung   Outcomes of Fragility Hip Fracture Patients
                                               Yiu King Hospital

             F-P1.5   Chan Hei     Physiotherapist II Physiotherapy Department,   Integrated Exercise Programme with Aerobic
                                               MacLehose Medical      Dance for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis – A
                                               Rehabilitation Centre  Physiotherapy Management Programme Looking
                                                                      beyond Pain and Function

             F-P1.6   CHAN Ka-wai  Advanced    Department of Orthopaedics   Enhancement Programme for Patient with Trigger
                                   Practice Nurse  and Traumatology, Prince of   Finger through Integrated Model of Care
                                               Wales Hospital

             F-P1.7   CHAN Lai-man  Advanced   Medicine, Pamela Youde   Reducing Overflow Response Time and Increasing
                                   Practice Nurse  Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Efficiency of Intra-departmental Transfer in Medical
                                                                      Call Wards in Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern

             F-P1.8   CHENG Ying-  Nurse Consultant Orthopaedic and   Two-year Experience of Adopting a Safe, Efficient
                      cheung                   Traumatology, Pamela Youde   and Cost-effective Care Model for Post-operative
                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Orthopaedic Patients at Day Unit

             F-P1.9   CHOW Siu-lun   Consultant  Department of Medicine and   A New Seamless Neuro-work Rehabilitation Model
                      Eddie                    Geriatrics, Tuen Mun Hospital  Reduces Hospitalisation and Successfully Enables
                                                                      More Stroke Rehabilitation Patient Recover and
                                                                      Return to Work Early

             F-P1.10  CHOW Yuk-lan  Advanced   Medical and Geriatric, Tuen   To Strive for a Better Stroke Thrombolysis Service in
                                   Practice Nurse  Mun Hospital       New Territories West Cluster through Cluster-based
                                                                      Team Approach

             F-P1.11  HO Ching-man   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Analysis of Attitude and Belief about Sleep and Sleep
                                   Therapist I  Department, Queen Elizabeth   Quality among Community Living Adults Presented
                                               Hospital               with Sleep Problem in Primary Care Settings in Hong

             F-P1.12  HO CY Jenny   Scientific Officer  Department of Pathology,   Paired Kidney Exchange, the GRAPE in Hong Kong
                                   (Medical)   Queen Mary Hospital
             F-P1.13  HO Suk-fan   Advanced    Clinical Oncology, Tuen Mun   Do the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of
                                   Practice Nurse  Hospital           Dying Cancer Patients – Development of a Need-
                                                                      focused Triage System in Palliative Care

             F-P1.14  HO Wai-yi    Advanced    Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital  Develop E-model of Care for Liver Transplant Patient:
                                   Practice Nurse                     to Meet Challenges to the Growing Demands of
                                                                      Public Appeal for Altruistic Liver Donor

             F-P1.15  HUNG Yu-kan   Department   Central Nursing Division,   The Effectiveness of an Acute Frailty Unit on
                      Shirley      Operations   Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Improving the Clinical Outcomes of Elderly Patients

             F-P1.16  HUNG Yuk-wah  Associate   Orthopaedic, Alice Ho Miu Ling   One Stage vs Two Stage Sequential Bilateral Total
                                   Consultant  Nethersole Hospital    Knee Replacement: Same Safety but Greater Cost

             F-P1.17  KWAN Ka-chung  Associate   Department of Ear, Nose   Transoral Injection Augmentation of Vocal Folds under
                      Peter        Consultant  and Throat, Pamela Youde   Local Anaesthesia: A Safe, Least Invasive and More
                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Accurate Approach
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