Page 50 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 50

Service Enhancement Presentations

            Speed Presentations

            Tuesday, 8 May 2018                                              15:45 – 16:15 Room S222-S223

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation
                      F-P1.31   NG Man-chi   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   The Effectiveness of Early Screening and
                                Gigi       Therapist I  Department, Pamela Youde   Intervention for Post-surgical Breast Cancer
                                                        Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Pain

                      F-P1.32   NG Yin-ha   Advanced    Department of Surgery,   Successfully Decreased the Long Waiting
                                Gloria     Practice Nurse  Prince of Wales Hospital  Time of New Cases in Colorectal Surgical
                                                                            Outpatient Clinic through Colorectal Nurse
                                                                            Clinic (New Integration Model of Specialist
                                                                            Outpatient Service)

                      F-P1.33   WONG Yuk-  Advanced     Nursing Services Division,   Efficacy on Implementing Periodic
                A               ching Angela  Practice Nurse  Pamela Youde Nethersole   Monitoring on Intravenous to Oral Switch in
                                                        Eastern Hospital    Clinical Areas

                      F-P1.34   OR Yuen-mai   Nurse Consultant Department of Surgery/  Nurses Breaking Bad News – A Review on
                                Amy                     Central Nursing Division,   an Innovative Service That Can Reflect the
                                                        Kwong Wah Hospital  Advanced Nursing Practice and Support the
                                                                            Medical and Patient Care

                      F-P1.36   TAM Sze-man  Advanced   Orthopaedic and     Evaluation of a New Service Model with
                                           Practice Nurse  Traumatology Department,   Disease-specific Nursing Quality Indicators
                                                        Queen Elizabeth Hospital  for Fragility Hip Fracture Patients in
                                                                            Orthopaedic and Traumatology Department

                                                                             15:45 – 16:15 Room S224-S225

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation
                      F-P6.12   CHUK Man-  Advanced     Department of Surgery,   Back to Community – Epidermolysis Bullosa
                                yee        Practice Nurse  Prince of Wales Hospital

                      F-P6.20   KWOK Yeung   Physiotherapist II Physiotherapy Department,   Fighting against Dementia: Sitting BaDuanJin
                                Keith                   Kowloon Hospital    Programme on Elderly with Dementia in
                                                                            Psychogeriatric Day Hospital

                      F-P7.18   LAM Chi-shan Associate   Anaesthesiology and   Healthcare Providers’ Experience of
                                           Consultant   Operating Services, Alice Ho  Clinical Incidents in Hong Kong: Impact and
                B                                       Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital Prevalence

                      F-P8.4    CHAN Wai-  Nurse Specialist  Department of Surgery,   Using Evidence-based Skin Integrity
                                hing Kelvin             Caritas Medical Centre  Enhancement Programme to Improve the
                                                                            Effectiveness and Efficiency of Prevention
                                                                            and Management of Incontinence-associated
                                                                            Dermatitis and to Reduce Pressure Injury
                      F-P8.17   HO Hoi-lam  Registered Nurse Obstetrics and Gynaecology,  Effect of Visual Aid on the Accuracy of Blood
                                                        Pamela Youde Nethersole   Loss Estimation in Obstetric Unit
                                                        Eastern Hospital

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