Page 53 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 53

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P1  Better Manage Growing Service Demands

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P1.18  LAI Ho-yin Frank  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Planning and Execution of Daily Living Activities
                                      Therapist I  Department, Tai Po Hospital  in Relation to Cognitive Function of Patients with

                F-P1.19  LAI Cing-hon   Associate   Accident and Emergency   Twin Emergency Medicine Wards – The Answer to
                         Jeffrey      Consultant  Department, Tuen Mun   Admission Block

                F-P1.20  LAU Connie   Health      Information Technology and   Facilitate the Use of Hospital Authority Shared Allergy
                                      Informatician  Health Informatics Division,   Record by Private Sector: Development of Allergy’s
                                                  Hospital Authority Head Office  Download

                F-P1.21  LAW Siu-shan   Resident  Department of Ear, Nose   Audit on the Effectiveness of a New Service Model:
                         Jason                    and Throat, Pamela Youde   Triage-Procedure, Ear Syringing in Eat Nose and
                                                  Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Throat Specialist Outpatient Clinic

                F-P1.22  LEUNG Shun-wah  Ward Manager  Accident and Emergency   Admission Queue Management of Kwong Wah
                         Ava                      Department, Kwong Wah   Hospital via the Accident and Emergency Dashboard
                                                  Hospital               Information System

                F-P1.23  LEUNG Kam-yiu   Occupational   Occupational Therapy, Alice Ho   Pioneer: Clinical e-Documentation in Occupational
                         Adrian       Therapist I  Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital  Therapy Outpatient Service

                F-P1.24  LEUNG Lok-hang Resident  Family Medicine and Primary   A Prolonged Winter Surge and an Unusual Summer
                                                  Health Care, Caritas Medical   Surge in 2016/17: What Could We Do?

                F-P1.25  LEUNG Ming   Nurse Consultant Central Nursing Division,   Epidemiology of Paediatric Trauma in Hong Kong: A
                                                  Princess Margaret Hospital  Multicentre Cohort Study

                F-P1.26  LEUNG Lai-fong   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   A Survey on the Problems and Needs of Cognitive
                         Teresa       Therapist I  Department, Prince of Wales   Impaired Elderly: A Caregiver’s Perspective
                F-P1.27  LI Suk-fan   Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy, Our Lady of   Service Review: Physiotherapy Blanket Referral
                                                  Maryknoll Hospital     System in Palliative Care Unit
                F-P1.28  LOONG Hong- nin  Registered Nurse Department of Medicine,   Nurse-led Thyroid Pre-clinic to Shorten Waiting Time
                         Connie                   Queen Mary Hospital    for Thyroid Clinic Patients
                F-P1.29  LUK Ting-chi Betty Clinical   Clinical Psychology, Caritas   Pilot Project of Developing a New Multidisciplinary
                                      Psychologist  Medical Centre       Psychosocial Day Programme for Managing Anxiety
                                                                         and Depression in Patients and Caregivers at
                                                                         Palliative Care Unit

                F-P1.30  LUK James    Chief of Service  Medicine and Geriatrics, Tung   Enhance Community Geriatric Assessment Team
                                                  Wah Group of Hospitals Fung   Support to End-of-life Patients in Residential Care
                                                  Yiu King Hospital      Homes for the Elderly in Hong Kong West Cluster
                F-P1.31  NG Man-chi Gigi  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   The Effectiveness of Early Screening and Intervention
                                      Therapist I  Department, Pamela Youde   for Post-surgical Breast Cancer Pain
                                                  Nethersole Eastern Hospital

                F-P1.32  NG Yin-ha Gloria  Advanced   Department of Surgery, Prince   Successfully Decreased the Long Waiting Time of
                                      Practice Nurse  of Wales Hospital  New Cases in Colorectal Surgical Outpatient Clinic
                                                                         through Colorectal Nurse Clinic (New Integration
                                                                         Model of Specialist Outpatient Service)   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018
                F-P1.33  NG Sze-wah   Registered Nurse Nursing Services Division,   Efficacy on Implementing Periodic Monitoring on
                                                  Pamela Youde Nethersole   Intravenous (IV) to Oral Switch in Clinical Areas
                                                  Eastern Hospital
                F-P1.34  OR Yuen-mai Amy Nurse Consultant Department of Surgery/Central   Nurses Breaking Bad News – A Review on an
                                                  Nursing Division, Kwong Wah   Innovative Service That Can Reflect the Advanced
                                                  Hospital               Nursing Practice and Support the Medical and Patient

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