Page 51 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 51

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Speed Presentations

               Tuesday, 8 May 2018                                             15:45 – 16:15 Room S226-S227

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P4.21   LAW Tat-hong  Senior Nursing   Central Sterile Supplies   No More Reuse of High Risk Single Use
                                   Samuel     Officer     Department, Tuen Mun   Medical Devices in the New Territories West
                                                          Hospital             Cluster

                         F-P4.23   LEUNG Ka-po  Senior    Physiotherapy Department,   Additional Effect of Mechanical Stimulation
                                   Andrea     Physiotherapist  Queen Elizabeth Hospital  on Mastectomy Scar Management – A
                                                                               Prospective Randomised Control Trial

                         F-P4.24   LEUNG Vicki  Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Occupational Therapy Falls Prevention
                                              Therapist I  Department, Queen Mary   Programme for Elderly Patients Discharged
                   C                                      Hospital             Home from Emergency Ward Using the
                                                                               Person-Environment-Occupation Model

                         F-P4.27   SHIU Yiu-  Associate   Department of Paediatrics   New Model – Child Protection Approach
                                   keung      Consultant  and Adolescent Medicine,   Reduced the Risk and Adverse Outcome of
                                                          Princess Margaret Hospital  Infants of Problematic Substance Abusing

                         F-P4.29   SO TW Patrick Senior   Occupational Therapy, North  Multi-centre Clinical Audit on Occupational
                                              Occupational   Lantau Hospital   Therapy Work Rehabilitation Services for
                                              Therapist                        Outpatients

                                                                                     15:45 – 16:15 Room S228

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P5.32   SIT Lok-mun   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Application of a Multi-purpose Mobile
                                   Kitty      Therapist I  Department, Tai Po Hospital  Training Station to Enhance the Quality and
                                                                               Safety of Occupational Therapy Service to

                         F-P5.33   SO Hang-   Consultant  Department of        Impact of Innovative 3D-printed Simulator
                                   kwong Eric             Anaesthesiology and   and Models in Simulation Training for
                                                          Operating Theatre Services   Transcatheter Cardiac Intervention
                                                          Multidisciplinary Simulation
                                                          and Skills Centre, Queen
                                                          Elizabeth Hospital
                   D     F-P5.34   SY Yeung-wan Advanced   Surgery, Pamela Youde   A Randomised Controlled Trial of Using
                                              Practice Nurse  Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Digital Video Camera in Teaching
                                                                               Female Patients Clean Intermittent Self-
                         F-P5.35   TAM Tsz-lok  Advanced   Orthopaedic and     Development of Prognostic Model to Predict
                                              Practice Nurse  Traumatology, Queen   the Post-operative Mobility of Patient with
                                                          Elizabeth Hospital   Fragility Hip Fracture

                         F-P5.39   WONG Ka-hei  Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy, Tuen Mun   Effects of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation for
                                                          Hospital             Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Acute Stroke
                                                                               Patients – A Controlled Clinical Trial  HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018

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