Page 47 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 47

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Speed Presentations

               Monday, 7 May 2018                                              15:45 – 16:15 Room S226-S227

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P3.19   WM KWAN    Deputy Service   Quality and Safety Division,   Alerting Clinicians on Significant Computed
                                              Director (Quality   New Territories West Cluster/ Tomography (CT) Findings by “Special
                                              and Safety)/  Department of Anaesthesia   Attention” CT Reports and Weekly Summary
                                              Consultant   and Intensive Care, Tuen   in New Territories West Cluster
                                              (Anaesthesia and  Mun Hospital
                                              Intensive Care
                         F-P3.24   MA K Terence  Resident  Orthopaedics and    Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Arthroscopic
                                                          Traumatology, Queen   Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery in Hong Kong
                                                          Elizabeth Hospital   Using Utility Scores

                   C     F-P3.35   WONG Chun-  Associate   Accident and Emergency,   The Pilot Trial of Inter-hospital Transport
                                   yin        Consultant  Tin Shui Wai Hospital  of Patients with ST-elevation Myocardial
                                                                               Infarction for Primary Percutaneous
                                                                               Coronary Intervention
                         F-P3.36   WONG Hsiao- Advanced   Department of Orthopaedics  Standardis Charting System in Enhancing the
                                   wah        Practice Nurse  and Traumatology/  Accuracy and Compliance of Documentation
                                                          Gynaecology, Tseung Kwan   on the Fluid and Balance Sheet
                                                          O Hospital
                         F-P3.38   YAN Ka-shun   Advanced   Obstetrics and Gynaecology,  Continuous Quality Improvement Project
                                   Bonnie     Practice Nurse  Princess Margaret Hospital  on “Alert and Aware of the Oxytocic Drug

                                                                                     15:45 – 16:15 Room S228

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P5.13   HO Chi-wai  Nurse Consultant Surgery, Pamela Youde   Ultrasonography-guided Drainage in
                                                          Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Complicated Abscess by Nurse Consultant:
                                                                               The First Local Report

                         F-P5.14   IP Ho-wan  Resident    Department of Pathology,   Next-generation Sequencing for the
                                              Specialist  Queen Mary Hospital  Detection of Somatic Mutations in Myeloid
                                                                               Neoplasms: Determination of Clinical Utility
                                                                               and Model of Service Delivery
                         F-P5.15   KOO Wai-mun  Senior Nursing   Central Nursing Department,  The First Study of Critical Pathway for Organ
                                   Jenny      Officer     Queen Mary Hospital  Donation in Hong Kong

                         F-P5.16   KWOK Chi-ki   Ward Manager  Specialist Outpatient Clinic,  Electronic Triage System in Specialist
                                   Priscilla              Tuen Mun Hospital    Outpatient Clinics

                         F-P5.19   LAM So-ling   Senior   Physiotherapy Department,   Effectiveness of Bilateral Movement-based
                                   Stefanie   Physiotherapist  Shatin Hospital  Computer Training Programme to Improve
                                                                               the Motor Function of Upper Limb in Sub-
                                                                               acute Stroke Patients – A Randomised
                                                                               Controlled Trial                    HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018

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