Page 45 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 45

Service Enhancement Presentations

               Speed Presentations

               Monday, 7 May 2018                                              10:15 – 10:45 Room S226-S227

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P3.1    CHAN Tang-  Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy Department,   Physiotherpist-led Pulmonary Rehabilitation
                                   man Geoffrey           Pamela Youde Nethersole   Screening Programme in Pamela Youde
                                                          Eastern Hospital     Nethersole Eastern Hospital

                         F-P3.6    CHAN Yuk-  Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy Department,   Evaluation of Orofacial Myofunctional
                                   yuet                   Kwong Wah Hospital   Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
                                                                               Syndrome in Children

                         F-P3.10   WU Ka-lun  Consultant  Clinical Microbiology, Hong   Is It Worthwhile to Implement Antibiotic
                                                          Kong East Cluster    Stewardship Programme in a Regional
                   C                                                           Hospital?

                         F-P3.15   HO Wai-leung  Registered Nurse Department of Surgery,   Prevention of Incontinence-Associated
                                                          Kwong Wah Hospital   Dermatitis (IAD)

                         F-P3.17   HUNG Yuk-  Associate   Orthopaedic, Alice Ho Miu   Zero Tolerance Campaign against Redundant
                                   wah        Consultant  Ling Nethersole Hospital  Preoperative Stay by Alice Ho Miu Ling
                                                                               Nethersole Hospital Joint Replacement

                                                                                     10:15 – 10:45 Room S228

                Location  Presentation  Name  Post        Institution          Topic of Presentation
                         F-P5.1    CHAN Ada   Advanced    Surgery, Pamela Youde   Novel Handcrafted 3D Stimulation Model in
                                              Practice Nurse  Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Advanced Wound Training

                         F-P5.2    CHAN Andy  Occupational   Occupational Therapy,   Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy
                                              Therapist I  United Christian Hospital  Robotic Training Programme in Improving
                                                                               Hemiplegic Upper Limb Function for Stroke
                                                                               Patients in United Christian Hospital: A
                                                                               Randomised Controlled Trial

                         F-P5.4    CHIU Ho-yan  Advanced   Palliative Medical Unit,   Impact of Structured Advance Care Planning
                                              Practice Nurse  Grantham Hospital  Programme on Patients’ Wish Items and
                   D                                                           Healthcare Utilisation – A Review of One-
                                                                               year Experience

                         F-P5.5    CHANG Yuk-  Advanced   Personalised Care    Supporting Family Carers of Schizophrenia
                                   sing Geoffrey  Practice Nurse  Programme (Wong Tai Sin),   Outpatients: A Comparative Study of Three
                                                          Kwai Chung Hospital  Group Intervention Programmes at East
                                                                               Kowloon Psychiatric Centre

                         F-P5.8    CHEUNG Yue- Associate   Department of Surgery,   Randomised Controlled Trial on Adjuvant
                                   sun        Consultant  Prince of Wales Hospital  Transarterial Chemoembolisation after
                                                                               Curative Hepatectomy for Hepatocellular
                                                                               Carcinoma (A-TECH Study) – An Interim
                                                                               Analysis                            HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2018

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