Page 72 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 72

Service Enhancement Presentations
            Poster Presentations

            F-P8  Young HA Investigators Presentations

             Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
             F-P8.1   CHAN Lai-ming  Registered   Community Outreach Services   Determining the Efficacy of a Pressure Ulcer
                                   Nurse       Team, Prince of Wales Hospital   Prevention Programme by Implementing Incidence
                                                                      and Prevalence Tracking Mechanism in 58 Private
                                                                      Aged Homes in New Territories East Cluster. What is
                                                                      Our Reflection?
             F-P8.2   CHAN Man-nok  Advanced   Surgery, North District Hospital  Pre-operation Preparation Programme
                                   Practice Nurse

             F-P8.3   CHAN Wai-kwan  Resident  Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Effect of Steroid in Local Infiltration Analgesia in
                      Vincent                  Queen Mary Hospital    One-stage Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty: A
                                                                      Paired-randomised Controlled Study

             F-P8.4   CHENG Tze-ho   Speech    Speech Therapy, Cheshire   Food Enjoyment Programme for Long-stay Patients
                      Dennis       Therapist   Home, Shatin           in Cheshire Home Shatin

             F-P8.5   CHENG Yui-kwan Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy, North District   Factors Influencing Outcomes of an Outpatient-
                                               Hospital               based Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme

             F-P8.6   CHENG Sai-yip   Associate   Family Medicine and Primary   Cognitive Assessment and Empowerment
                      Ronald       Consultant  Health Care, Tuen Mun Hospital  Programme – a New Multi-disciplinary Programme
                                                                      for Elderly Patients with Memory Complaints in
                                                                      Primary Care

             F-P8.7   CHENG Suet-lai  Associate   Medicine and Geriatrics, United  Effectiveness of a Mobile Ventilator Support Service
                                   Consultant  Christian Hospital     in Managing Patients on Non-invasive Ventilation on
                                                                      General Medical Wards

             F-P8.8   CHEUNG Chi-nok Resident  Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  Fast Track Programme for Total Knee Replacement –
                                               Pok Oi Hospital/Tuen Mun   a Significant Reduction in Length of Stay

             F-P8.9   CHEUNG Wai-  Resident    Pharmacy, Tuen Mun Hospital   Drug Utilisation Evaluation of Vancomycin among
                      tung         Pharmacist                         Paediatric Patients after Implementation of Antibiotic
                                                                      Stewardship Programme

             F-P8.10  CHEUNG Tan-kit  Resident  Department of Family Medicine  Anti-hypertensive Prescription Adherence to
                                               and Primary Health Care, United  Evidence-based Recommendations in a General
                                               Christian Hospital     Outpatient Clinic

             F-P8.11  CHU Ming-kei  Registered   Department of Neurosurgery,   The Use of Suction Toothbrush to Enhance Oral
                                   Nurse       Princess Margaret Hospital   Hygiene of Critically Ill Patients

             F-P8.12  CLANCEY      Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Raising the Quality Bar: Improving the Clinical
                      Josephine Clare   Therapist II  Department, Queen Elizabeth   Peer Review Process in an Occupational Therapy
                      To                       Hospital               Department
             F-P8.13  HUI Wai-hung  Physiotherapist   Department of Physiotherapy,   Evaluation of Walking Ability of Cerebral Palsy by
                                   II          Caritas Medical Centre  Instrumented Gait Analysis
             F-P8.14  HUI Yee-ki   Registered   Team 4 General Adult, Kwai   A Community Perinatal Mental Healthcare Pilot
                                   Nurse       Chung Hospital         Programme for Pregnant or Postpartum Women with
                                                                      Mental Illness

             F-P8.15  HUNG Sze-sze  Resident   Department of Pharmacy,   A Study on Medication Reconciliation Service on
                                   Pharmacist  Tseung Kwan O Hospital   Discharge Patients using a Computerised System,
                                                                      Inpatient Medication Order Entry System
             F-P8.16  KAM Yuen-ching  Advanced   Surgery, Queen Elizabeth   How Does Bladder Training and Lifestyle
                                   Practice Nurse  Hospital           Modifications Make a Difference to the Management
                                                                      of Patients with Overactive Bladder?

             F-P8.17  KWAN Chun-man Resident   Department of Family Medicine  A Pilot Multi-disciplinary Clinic Targeted Chronic
                                   Specialist  and Primary Health Care, Yan   Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients in Tsuen
                                               Chai Hospital          Wan and Lantau District General Outpatient Clinic

             F-P8.18  KWOK Yick-ting   Manager  Quality and Safety Division,   Development of Key Risk Indicators for Effective
                      Andy                     Tuen Mun Hospital      Monitoring of Incident Trends and Risks Performance

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