Page 73 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
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Service Enhancement Presentations

               Poster Presentations

               F-P8  Young HA Investigators Presentations

                Location  Name        Post         Institution           Topic of Presentation
                F-P8.19  LAI Kit-ping   Associate   Department of Family Medicine  Can We Further Enhance the Diabetic Control of Our   HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                         Loretta      Consultant  and Primary Health Care,   Patients? A Review of the Outcomes of a Diabetic
                                                  Tseung Kwan O Hospital   Intensification Programme in a General Outpatient
                F-P8.20  LAU Sin-ting  Registered   Central Nursing Division, The   Preliminary Results of the Effectiveness of Clinical
                                      Nurse       Duchess of Kent Children’s   Pathway for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in The
                                                  Hospital at Sandy Bay  Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay

                F-P8.21  LAUW Wai-ling  Registered   Community Nursing Service,   Proactive Involvement on Influenza Outbreak
                                      Nurse       United Christian Hospital   Prevention in Private Old Aged Home

                F-P8.22  LAW Wing-ting   Podiatrist-  Prosthetic and Orthotic   Effect of Insoles on Pain Management for Geriatric
                         Christy      Orthotist II  Department, Queen Elizabeth   Patients with Low Back Pain – A Pilot Study

                F-P8.23  CHAN Pui-sze   Occupational   Occupational Therapy, Prince of  Effectiveness of Bowen Therapy on Pain Relief and
                         Casie        Therapist I  Wales Hospital        Functional Improvement in Patients with Tennis
                                                                         Elbow: A Randomised Controlled Trial

                F-P8.24  LEUNG Kam-suet  Resident  Department of Clinical   A Qualitative Study to Explore Doctors’ Perceptions
                         Linda                    Oncology, Prince of Wales   on Credentialing and Defining Scope of Practice

                F-P8.25  LO Chung-yee   Advanced   Cardiothoracic Surgery, Queen   A Pilot Programme to Improve the Efficiency of
                         Angel        Practice Nurse  Mary Hospital      Emergency Resternotomy for Post-operative Adult
                                                                         and Paediatric Cardiac Patients in Cardiothoracic
                                                                         Surgery Intensive Care Unit

                F-P8.26  LUK Chun-wa  Resident Trainee Department of Family Medicine  Use of Overnight Pulse Oximetry to Reduce Referral
                                                  and Primary Health Care,   Rate for Suspected Obstructive Sleep Apnea in
                                                  Caritas Medical Centre   Primary Care Setting

                F-P8.27  MAK Kin-yin  Clinical    Clinical Psychology, MacLehose  The I-GAIN Programme: A Neuropsychological
                                      Psychologist-in-  Medical Rehabilitation Centre   Rehabilitation Programme for Young Acquired Brain
                                      charge                             Injury Patients in Hong Kong

                F-P8.28  MAK Michael   Resident   Orthopaedics and Traumatology,  A Cluster-based Emergency Limb Replantation and
                         Chu-kay      Specialist  Prince of Wales Hospital   Microsurgery Service from Inception to Present: 15
                                                                         Years’ Experience in the New Territories East Cluster

                F-P8.29  NG Ho-lam    Health Informatic  Standards & Policy, Information  Patient Empowerment through Provision of Chinese
                         Vincent      Aanalyst II  Technology and Health   Laboratory Test Names
                                                  Informatics Division

                F-P8.30  NG Hoi-wan   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Evaluation of Treatment Effectiveness of Hip Fracture
                                      Therapist II  Department, Tai Po Hospital   Educational Programme for Patients with Geriatric
                                                                         Hip Fracture

                F-P8.31  NG Hoi-wan   Occupational   Occupational Therapy   Self- management Programme with Baduanjin for
                                      Therapist II  Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling   Patients with Knee Replacement Surgery at Pre-
                                                  Nethersole Hospital    operation Stage

                F-P8.32  NGAN Lun-yan  Occupational   Kowloon West Cluster Family   Review on the Early Return-to-work Programme in
                                      Therapist I  Medicine, Our Lady of Maryknoll  Ha Kwai Chung General Outpatient Clinic (GOPC)
                                                  Hospital               – Collaborative Programme between GOPC and
                                                                         Specialist Outpatient Clinic

                F-P8.33  TAM Chor-    Associate   Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital  Implementation of Non-ST elevation Myocardial
                         cheung       Consultant                         Infarction Treatment Recommendation Pathway:
                                                                         Single Centre Experience

                F-P8.34  TAM Ho-shan  Associate   Family Medicine, Our Lady of   Review on Memory Clinic and Cognitive Training
                                      Consultant  Maryknoll Hospital     Programme in Ha Kwai Chung General Outpatient
                                                                         Clinic (HKC)

                F-P8.35  TEE See-moon  Prosthetist-  Department of Prosthetics and   Outcome Evaluation of Dynamic Hallux Valgus Splint
                                      Orthotist II  Orthotics, Tuen Mun Hospital   in Female

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