Page 35 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
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Programme by First Author


               C   Corporate Scholarship Presentations         S    Symposiums
               M   Masterclasses                               SS  Special Sessions
               P   Plenary Sessions                            F    Service Enhancement Presentations
               PS  Parallel Sessions                                                                               HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017

                First Author  Title                                                 Presentation Date  Session

                Au Yeung TW Geriatric Paradox                                       Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M14.2
                Ballantyne D  Hospital Design in the Context of an Ageing Population: Case Studies Rural NSW  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  P2.2
                Ballantyne D  Smart Hospitals for the Future                        Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS9.1
                Bhugra D  Social Justice for Persons with Mental Illness            Tuesday, 16 May 2017  S1.1
                Bhugra D  Culture and Mental Health                                 Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S13.1
                Brelen M  Latest Evidence Basis for Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M1.4
                Chan CK   “Sex Reassignment Surgery” – to Falsify or to Rectify the Body  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C1.3
                Chan CMK  Non-pharmacological Treatments of Patients with Advanced Chronic Obstructive   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M10.3
                          Pulmonary Disease
                Chan CXR  Patient Engagement: Strategies to Improve Chronic Disease Control among Ethnical  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F6.2
                          Minority Patients in the Primary Care
                Chan F    Inter-professional Collaboration in the Community         Wednesday, 17 May 2017 S12.2
                Chan F    Person-centred Care for the Older Persons through Medical-social Collaboration  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M14.1
                Chan KM   Prevention of Neonatal Extravasation Injuries: The Experience of a Neonatal Unit in   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F4.1
                          Hong Kong
                Chan KOC  Building a Multi-disciplinary Team                        Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M5.2
                Chan LHH  3D Printing – the Next Level to Reach for Splinting and Assistive Devices  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F5.1
                Chan LKJ  “3D Printing” Helps Cardiologists Save More Lives         Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS7.1
                Chan MY   The Implementation of an Integrated Observation Chart with Newborn Early Warning  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F4.2
                          Signs to Facilitate Early Observation of Infants at Risk of Clinical Deterioration
                Chan PT   Will Casting be Enough for Distal Radius Fracture?        Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M3.2
                Chan PT   Advance Endoscopic Intervention for Colonic Lesions       Wednesday, 17 May 2017 M9.2
                Chan R    Discharge Lounge – Proactive Model to Success             Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F1.1
                Chan SMV  A Pilot Study to Investigate the Effect of Group-based Activity Programme on   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F3.1
                          Health Related Quality of Life for Patients with Musculoskeletal Injuries in Our Work
                          Rehabilitation Programme
                Chan SP   An Effective Bed Management Strategy Alleviating Access Block Problem in Prince   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F1.2
                          of Wales Hospital
                Chan TN   Centre for Medical Simulation Fellowship Training         Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C1.2
                Chan Y    Tripartite Collaboration Project: The Effectiveness of Health Qigong Baduanjin on   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 F6.1
                          Head and Neck Cancer Patients
                Chang CM  Effective Leadership (Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, UK)  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C2.2
                Cheng C   Multi-disciplinary Training in Management of Breast Cancer  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C1.1
                Cheng KM  Tele-medicine Consultation in Castle Peak Hospital for Stable Psychiatric Outpatients  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  S2.2
                          in Custody
                Cheng MWW  Multi-centre Project for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Diabetes Nurse Clinic   Tuesday, 16 May 2017  F3.2
                          on Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
                Cheng PKJ  Maximising Patient Outcome by Extending Recovery-oriented Practice of Allied   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 C3.1
                          Health in Psychiatry – a Sharing from Yale Attachment Programme
                Cheung CKT  A Multi-disciplinary Service Model for Enhancing Early Identification and Intervention  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS5.2
                          for Mood and Cognitive Impairment among Young Stroke Patients (from Simple to
                          Complex Conditions)
                Cheung NT  Actionable Insights from Big Data                        Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS13.1
                Chim CK   Use of Innovative Information Technology in Enhancing Community Care  Wednesday, 17 May 2017 PS14.1
                Chiu A    Physiotherapy Management for Children with Neurometabolic Disorders  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M4.4
                Choi CH   Prevention of Diabetes Retinopathy: Glycaemic Control and Beyond  Tuesday, 16 May 2017  M1.3
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