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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Service Priorities and Programmes

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    SPP-P7 – Committed and Happy Staff

                                    Location Name           Post                       Institution                        Topic of Presentation

                                    SPP-P7.1  AU YEUNG Alex Advanced                   Department of Cardiothoracic       A Rich Harvest through Sharing: The Sharing
                                                                       Practice Nurse  Surgery, Queen Elizabeth           Sessions of Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
                                                                                       Hospital                           2014-2015 (Second Season)

                                    SPP-P7.2 CHAN Manfield Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,                    Patient Safety Round – Make Quality and Safety
                                                                                                       Tuen Mun Hospital  Service Easy in Physiotherapy Department of Tuen
                                                                                                                          Mun Hospital

                                    SPP-P7.3 CHAN Maria     Ward Manager               Department of Anaesthesiology Evidenced-based – Competency Management in
                                                                                       and Operating Theatre Services, Operating Room
                                                                                       Queen Elizabeth Hospital

                                    SPP-P7.4 CHAN Poemen    Associate                  Ophthalmology Department,          A New Software Programme for the Creation of
                                                            Consultant                 Hong Kong Eye Hospital             Doctors’ On-call Duties in Hong Kong Eye Hospital

                                    SPP-P7.5 CHAN Connie    Advanced                   Clinical Oncology Department, Positive Energy with “Zen 禪 ” Staff Support
                                                            Practice Nurse Tuen Mun Hospital                              Programme

                                    SPP-P7.6 CHAN Derek     Manager                    Cluster Occupational Safety and Staff Empowerment for Prevention of Workplace
                                                                                       Health Team, Human Resources Violence
                                                                                       Division, United Christian

                                    SPP-P7.7 CHAN Eric      Consultant                 Department of Paediatrics,         An Interdisciplinary Service to Children with Chronic
                                                                                       Kwong Wah Hospital                 Respiratory Disorders: The Kwong Wah Model

                                    SPP-P7.8 CHENG Karen    Ward Manager Department of Surgery, Tung                      Staff Feedback Survey on One Month Duty Plan –a
                                                                                    Wah Hospital                          Pilot Study at Inpatient Ward, Department of Surgery
                                                                                                                          of Tung Wah Hospital

                                    SPP-P7.9 CHEUNG Alex    Occupational               Kowloon East Cluster               An Interactive Approach for Building Safety Culture –
                                                            Safety and                 Occupational Safety and Health     Occupational Safety and Health Quiz Competition
                                                            Health Officer             Team, Human Resources
                                                                                       Division, United Christian

                                    SPP-P7.10 CHEUNG Alex   Occupational               Kowloon East Cluster               Approaching Injury-free Storeroom by Implementing
                                                            Safety and                 Occupational Safety and Health     Management System Model and Standardising
                                                            Health Officer             Team, Human Resources              Goods and Shelves Labels in Kowloon East Cluster
                                                                                       Division, United Christian

                                    SPP-P7.11 CHEUNG Ho-wai Registered                 Wards and Day Facilities, United Safe Culture Enhancement Programme – Audit on
                                                                              Nurse    Christian Hospital                 High Risk Medical Equipment in Isolation Ward

                                    SPP-P7.12 CHEUNG Kin-   Registered                 Department of Medicine and         Needlestick Injury Prevention Programme in an
                                                     ching  Nurse                      Geriatrics, United Christian       Isolation Ward

                                    SPP-P7.13 SH CHIU       Advanced                   Department of Cardiothoracic       The Effectiveness of Using Extracorporeal
                                                            Practice Nurse             Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital       Membrane Oxygenation Simulation-based Team
                                                                                                                          Training to Improve Nursing Teamwork and
                                                                                                                          Competency in a Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care

                                    SPP-P7.14 CHOY Anna     Manager                    Primary and Community              Staff Satisfaction of Case Managers under the
                                                                                       Services, Strategy and Planning    Integrated Care Model for High-risk Elders (ICM) –
                                                                                       Division, Hospital Authority       the Impact of Role Transition
                                                                                       Head Office

                                    SPP-P7.15 HO Pui-yee    Deputy Ward                Department of Medicine and         Enhance Staff Well-being through Positive Practice
                                                            Manager                    Geriatrics, United Christian       Environment

                                    SPP-P7.16 YS HUI        Ward Manager               Specialist Outpatient              Ensuring Safe and Healthy Workforce – Manual
                                                                                       Department, Tseung Kwan O          Handling Operation Programme in Specialist
                                                                                       Hospital                           Outpatient Clinic

                                    SPP-P7.17 KWAN Patrick  Hospital                   Administrative Services Division, Staff Empowerment – Developing and Standardising
                                                            Administrator I Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital Asset Management Procedure and Workflow

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