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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                             HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Poster Presentations
SPP-P6 – Managing Service Demands

Location Name            Post                        Institution                           Topic of Presentation
                                                                                           Easy Access the Forms All the Time
SPP-P6.1 KH CHAN         Advanced                    Surgery, Pamela Youde
                         Practice Nurse              Nethersole Eastern Hospital

SPP-P6.2 CHAN Julie      Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,                       A Comprehensive Patient-empowered Active Back
                                                  Tuen Mun Hospital                        Programme to Reduce the Long Waiting Time for
                                                                                           Low Back Pain Patients

SPP-P6.3 SC CHAN         Registered Nurse Department of Medicine and                       Implementation of the Nurse-led Congestive Heart
                                                  Geriatrics, Pok Oi Hospital              Failure Tele-Health Programme in Department of
                                                                                           Medicine and Geriatrics, Pok Oi Hospital

SPP-P6.4 CHENG Calvin Pharmacist                     Department of Pharmacy,               The Use of Six Sigma for Outpatient Waiting Time
                                                     Queen Mary Hospital                   Management of Pharmaceutical Care

SPP-P6.5 CHENG Anna      Associate                   Department of Paediatrics and         Partnership and Collaboration between
                         Consultant                  Adolescent Medicine, United           Comprehensive Child Development Service
                                                     Christian Hospital                    (CCDS) and Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian
                                                                                           Association (YWCA) – a Community Telephone
                                                                                           Supporting Service for Postnatal Mothers in
                                                                                           Kowloon East Cluster

SPP-P6.6 CHEUNG Dixon Pharmacist                     Department of Pharmacy,               Impact of Electronic Tracking and Prioritisation
                                                     Queen Mary Hospital                   System on Urgent Medication Management

SPP-P6.7 CHEUNG Cecilia Associate                    Department of Family Medicine Integrated Mental Health Programme (IMHP): A
                                         Consultant  and Primary Healthcare, Tuen Structured Primary Care Mental Health Service
                                                     Mun Hospital                          Model

SPP-P6.8 LK CHIANG       Resident                    Family Medicine and General           Outcomes of Ambulatory Electrocardiography (AECG
                                                     Outpatient Department, Kwong          or Holter) for Patients Presented with Palpitation
                                                     Wah Hospital                          in the Primary Care Setting: A Retrospective Case
                                                                                           Series Review

SPP-P6.9 SC CHIANG       Senior                      Chief Pharmacist’s Office,            Provision of Codified Drug Data to Support Inpatient
                         Pharmacist                  Cluster Services Division,            Medication Order Entry
                                                     Hospital Authority Head Office

SPP-P6.10 MY CHOW        Advanced                    Ophthalmology Department,             Glaucoma Service Enhancement Programme to
                         Practice Nurse              Caritas Medical Centre                Shorten the Waiting Times of Optical Coherence
                                                                                           Tomography (OCT) Scanning and Visual Field (VF)
                                                                                           Testing for Glaucoma Patients

SPP-P6.11 CHOW Eddie Consultant                      Medicine and Geriatrics, Tuen         Proactive Rehabilitation In-reaching Management
                                                     Mun Hospital                          and Evaluation (PRIME) Service Enhances Acute
                                                                                           Stroke Management and Rehabilitation

SPP-P6.12 YM CHU         Deputising Nurse Department of Medicine, Tseung Carotid Duplex Screening for Stroke Patients – an
                         Consultant                  Kwan O Hospital                       Evolving Role of Stroke Nurse

SPP-P6.13 YEUNG Kit-chi Consultant                   Physiotherapy Department,             Shorten Physiotherapy Outpatient Waiting List
Angelina                 Physiotherapist Prince of Wales Hospital                          through LEAN Approach and Culture

SPP-P6.14 IP Lai-fong    Ward Manager                Department of Medicine, Alice Effect on Discharge Patient Holding Area is Effective
                                                     Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital to Reduce Admission Access Block

SPP-P6.15 IP Fanny       Ward Manager                Department of Medicine, Queen Stroke Thrombolysis Service Enhancement
                                                     Mary Hospital

SPP-P6.16 JAIR Lai-ming  Advanced                    Department of Obstetrics and          Initiative for Skin-to-skin Contact after Elective
                         Practice Nurse              Gynaecology, United Christian         Caesarean Section (SSCCS)

SPP-P6.17 LAM Ka-po      Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department,                       Journey of a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
                 George                           North District Hospital                  (COPD) Patient Self-help Group

SPP-P6.18 WONG Shuk-fun Physiotherapist II Physiotherapy Department,                       Prediction of Ambulatory Prognosis and Need
                                                                   Tseung Kwan O Hospital  of Institution Care Using Functional Prognosis
                                                                                           Predictive Scores (FPPS) in Geriatric Hip Fracture
                                                                                           Patients at Tseung Kwan O Hospital – Pilot Study

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