Page 63 - HA Convention 2015
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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                                  HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Poster Presentations
SPP-P6 – Managing Service Demands

Location Name          Post            Institution                            Topic of Presentation
                                                                              A Conjoint Management Programme to Empower
SPP-P6.37 KM WONG      Advanced        Medicine, Pamela Youde                 Patients Suffering from Neuromuscular Disorders
                       Practice Nurse  Nethersole Eastern Hospital            (NMD) for an Optimal Management Plan of
                                                                              Respiratory Failure

SPP-P6.38 YAN Tsz-mei  Registered Nurse Department of Medicine and            Care of Patients with Difficulties in Verbal
                                                Geriatrics, United Christian  Expressions – a Digital Communication Card

SPP-P6.39 YEUNG Lam    Registered Nurse Urology Division, Department of Can Urology Nurse-led Clinic Helps in Early
                                                Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital Detection of Urological Problems among Patients
                                                                                            Presented with Unilateral or Bilateral Loin(s) Pain?

SPP-P6.40 YU David     Senior          Physiotherapy Department,              A New Multidisciplinary Team Approach for the
                       Physiotherapist Queen Elizabeth Hospital               Management of Patients with Chronic Lung Disease

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