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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                                           HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Poster Presentations
SPP-P8 – Young Hospital Authority Investigators Presentations

Location Name           Post                            Institution                       Topic of Presentation

SPP-P8.1 AU Alice       Resident                        Department of Radiology,          Clinical Audit of Mammographic Repeat Films
                                                        Pamela Youde Nethersole
                                                        Eastern Hospital

SPP-P8.2 CHAN Tommy Resident                            Ophthalmology Department,         Peri-operative Antithrombotic Guideline:
                                                        Hong Kong Eye Hospital            A Successful Inter-departmental/Hospital

SPP-P8.3 CHOW Pui-yu    Registered                      Department of Paediatrics and     Re-designed Neonatal Resuscitation Cart Improves
                        Nurse                           Adolescent Medicine, United       Efficiency and Accuracy in Resuscitation
                                                        Christian Hospital

SPP-P8.4 CHAN Ka-yee Resident                           Psychiatry Department, United Delirium in Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure
                                                        Christian Hospital                Requiring Non-invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation

SPP-P8.5 CHAN Pui-fong Advanced                         Community Nursing Service,        CAST Programme – Calling Appointment System
                        Practice Nurse United Christian Hospital                          Transformation

SPP-P8.6 CHAN Pierre    Associate                       Department of Medicine,           A Pilot Programme to Improve Quality of Geriatric
                        Consultant                      Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin       Colonoscopy Service – Better Bowel Preparation
                                                        Hospitals                         and Shorter Length of Stay

SPP-P8.7 YH CHAN        Associate                       Department of Family Medicine     The Impact of Management of Common Mood
                        Consultant                      and Primary Health Care, New      Disorder on the Hypertension or Diabetes Control in
                                                        Territories West Cluster/Tuen     Primary Healthcare Setting
                                                        Mun Hospital

SPP-P8.8 CHEUNG Ho-wai Registered                       Wards and Day Facilities, United Essential Clinical Information on a Digital Screen
                                          Nurse         Christian Hospital                (CIDS) – a Small Step Forward to New Era

SPP-P8.9 CHAN CC Timo Resident                          Pharmacy Department, United       Incorporating Medication Review by Pharmacists in
                                          Pharmacist    Christian Hospital                a Multidisciplinary Fall Assessment and Prevention
                                                                                          Programme for Elderly

SPP-P8.10 CHEUNG Yue-   Associate                       Department of Surgery, Prince     Surgical Outcomes Monitoring and Improvement
                 sun    Consultant                      of Wales Hospital                 Programme (SOMIP) Predicts Accurately the
                                                                                          Mortality Risk of Surgical Patients with Peri-
                                                                                          operative Septic Shock

SPP-P8.11 HUI Lai-wan   Occupational                    Occupational Therapy              The Effectiveness of Vocational Rehabilitation in
                        Therapist II                    Department (Integrated            Facilitating Return-to-work in Workers with Low
                                                        Rehabilitation Services), Tseung  Back Pain: A Systematic Review
                                                        Kwan O Hospital

SPP-P8.12 CB HUNG       Resident                        Department of Family Medicine Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Not Just a
                        Specialist                      and Primary Health Care, Tuen Diagnostic Tool
                                                        Mun Hospital

SPP-P8.13 KWOK Matthew Occupational                     Occupational Therapy              Pilot Study on Reliability and Validity of the
                                          Therapist II  Department, Tuen Mun Hospital     Chinese Version of the Clinical Chronic Obstructive
                                                                                          Pulmonary Disease Questionnaire (CCQ) in Elderly
                                                                                          Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary

SPP-P8.14 LAI Loretta   Associate                       Department of Family Medicine     What Significant Electrocardiogram (ECG)
                        Consultant                      and Primary Health Care,          Abnormalities Could We Detect in Asymptomatic
                                                        Tseung Kwan O Hospital            Hypertensive Patients? A Review of ECG Findings
                                                                                          under Risk Assessment and Management
                                                                                          Programme – Hypertension

SPP-P8.15 LAI Wing-yee  Clinical                        Department of Clinical            Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Study of Its
                 Robby  Psychologist                    Psychology, Alice Ho Miu Ling     Clinical Profile and Parenting Stress in Hong Kong
                                                        Nethersole Hospital

SPP-P8.16 LAM Way       Senior Facility                 Facility Management               Better Utilisation of Daylight in Hospitals
                        Manager                         Department, Princess Margaret

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