Page 68 - HA Convention 2015
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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015 Service Priorities and Programmes
Poster Presentations
SPP-P8 – Young Hospital Authority Investigators Presentations
Location Name Post Institution Topic of Presentation
SPP-P8.17 LAM Jasmine Resident Department of Ophthalmology, Comparison of Outcomes of Primary Anterior
Hong Kong Eye Hospital Chamber versus Secondary Scleral-fixated
Intraocular Lens Implantation in Complicated
Cataract Surgeries
SPP-P8.18 LAM PK Rex Clinical Assistant Emergency Medicine Unit, Li Ka Crew Resource Management Training is Associated
Professor Shing Faculty of Medicine, The with a Decrease in Adverse Incidents in Pamela
University of Hong Kong Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
SPP-P8.19 LAM Queenie Systems Information Technology The Use of Mobile Technology to Improve Efficiency
Manager Department, Princess Margaret and Surveillance of Hand Hygiene Audit
SPP-P8.20 WH LAM Resident Department of What is the Most Appropriate Diagnostic Algorithm
Specialist Otorhinolaryngology, Head and for HPV-associated Oropharyngeal Cancer in Hong
Neck Surgery, Yan Chai Hospital Kong?
SPP-P8.21 MY LAU Registered Medicine Department, Queen High Compliance Rate after Real-time Feedback
Nurse Elizabeth Hospital Hand Hygiene Programme in the Department of
SPP-P8.22 KP LEE Resident Family Medicine and Public Validity and Reliability of Chinese Version of Insulin
Health Unit, Our Lady of Treatment Appraisal Scale in Hong Kong Primary
Maryknoll Hospital Care Patients
SPP-P8.23 LI Amanda Pharmacist Pharmacy Department, Queen Pharmacist-led Initiatives to Enhance Safety on
Mary Hospital Drug Administration in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
SPP-P8.24 KL LUI Resident Medicine and Geriatrics, The Superiority of Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) with
Specialist Division of Gastroenterology Near Focus to Predict the Histology of Colonic Polyp
and Hepatology, Tuen Mun ≤5mm (Diminished Polyps)
SPP-P8.25 S LUK Associate Department of Pathology Quality Improvement Programme to Reduce
Consultant (Microbiology), Princess Hospital-acquired and Hospital-associated
Margaret Hospital Clostridium Difficile Infection
SPP-P8.26 NG Anthony Advanced Infection Control Team, United The Cleanliness of Patient Environment
Practice Nurse Christian Hospital
SPP-P8.27 PANG Wai-man Deputy Ward Department of Medicine and Better Patient Partnership through Enhanced
Manager Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Communication between Patients, Relatives and
Hospital Healthcare Workers
SPP-P8.28 SAM Tak-cheung Registered Department of Orthopaedics A Pilot Study on Prevention of Tape Blister after Hip
Nurse and Traumatology, Prince of Surgery
Wales Hospital
SPP-P8.29 PY SIN Registered Department of Paediatrics, Experience Sharing in Improving Nursing-parents
Nurse Queen Elizabeth Hospital Relationship with Parents of Children with Chronic
Disease in Nursing Perspective
SPP-P8.30 SO Kai-him Pharmacist Pharmacy Department, Prince Evaluation of the Chemotherapy Verification Service
of Wales Hospital by Oncology Clinical Pharmacist at Prince of Wales
SPP-P8.31 SO Lena Occupational Occupational Therapy Using Data Mining Analysis to Identify the
Therapist II Department, Kowloon Hospital Characteristics of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease Patients with Nocturnal Oxygen
SPP-P8.32 WONG Eddie Physiotherapist Physiotherapy Department, Risk Factors of Second Fragility Hip Fracture among
II Haven of Hope Hospital the Elderly
SPP-P8.33 WONG Yuet-hung Associate Nuclear Medicine Department, Clinical Impact and Cost Implication of Myocardial
Consultant Pamela Youde Nethersole Perfusion Scintigraphy Service
Eastern Hospital