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Service Priorities and Programmes                                                         HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015

Poster Presentations
SPP-P8 – Young Hospital Authority Investigators Presentations

Location Name            Post            Institution                     Topic of Presentation

SPP-P8.34 WOO Peter      Associate       Department of Neurosurgery,     Territory-wide Primary Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting
                         Consultant      Kwong Wah Hospital              Outcomes from 2009 to 2011: Multicentre Clinical

SPP-P8.35 YAU Michael    Resident        General Outpatient Department,  The Effect of Physical Activity Consultation in
                         Specialist      Kwong Wah Hospital              Promoting Physical Activity in Sedentary People with
                                                                         Hypertension in Primary Care – a Pilot Randomised
                                                                         Controlled Trial (RCT) Study

SPP-P8.36 YAU Wai-yin    Pharmacist      Pharmacy Department, Prince Medication Reconciliation Service in Prince of Wales
                 Winnie                  of Wales Hospital               Hospital

SPP-P8.37 WS YEE         Advanced        Nursing Services Division,      Reducing Service Time of Patient Transfer from
                         Practice Nurse  Pamela Youde Nethersole         Accident and Emergency Department to Medical/
                                         Eastern Hospital                Surgical Wards through Lean Principles

SPP-P8.38 WS YEE         Advanced        Nursing Services Division,      Healthy Workplace: Consistent Medical Record
                         Practice Nurse  Pamela Youde Nethersole         Filing System among Different Departments in
                                         Eastern Hospital                Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

SPP-P8.39 MP YIU         Associate       Family Medicine Department,     Use of CMS Reminder to Reduce the Potential Risk
                         Consultant      Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital  of Hyperkalaemia due to Combination of Angiotensin
                                                                         Receptor Blocker (ARB) or Angiotensin Converting
                                                                         Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI) with Potassium Sparing
                                                                         Diuretics in General Outpatient Clinic

SPP-P8.40 YIU Venus      Clinical        Department of Clinical          Mindfulness-based Intervention Groups for Patients
                         Psychologist    Psychology, Pamela Youde        with Mood Disorders
                                         Nethersole Eastern Hospital

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