Page 70 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
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C              List of Awards

          Date of Award  Award                                          Institution           Category

          05/2018            British Safety Council    -                New Territories       Occupational

                             International Safety Award 2018            East Cluster          Safety &  Health
          06/2018            Environmental Campaign                     North District        Environment

                             Committee  – Hong Kong G reen              Hospital
                             Organisation Certification
          06/2018            Environmental Campaign                     North District        Environment

                             Committee  – Carbon Reduction              Hospital
                             Certificate 2018   -2021
          06/2018            Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong         – No     Alice Ho Miu          Environment

                             Plastic Bottles 2018 Certificate of        Ling Nethersole
                             Appreciation                               Hospital

          06/2018            Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong         – No     Tai Po  Hospital      Environment
                             Plastic Bottles 2018 Certificate of

          09/2018            Hospital Management Asia        –          North District        Clinical Service
                             Excellence Award in     Talent             Hospital              Improvement
                             Development category       ,  Asian

                             Hospital Management Awards

          09/2018            Hong Kong Green Organisation               Prince of Wales       Environment
                             Certification  – Carbon Reduction          Hospital
                             Certificate  2018 -2021

          09/2018            Environmental Protection                   Alice Ho Miu          Environment
                             Department  Rechargeable Battery           Ling Nethersole

                             Recycling Programme 201        7-20 18     Hospital
                             - Certificate of Appreciation
          10/2018            Association of Energy Engineers            Alice Ho Miu          Environment

                             (AEE)  – Regional Energy Project of        Ling Nethersole
                             the Year Award for     the Asia -Pacific   Hospital

          11/2018            Environmental Campaign                     Alice Ho Miu          Environment
                             Committee  – Carbon Reduction              Ling Nethersole
                             Certificate 2018   -2021                   Hospital
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