Page 73 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
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      03/2019            Environmental Protection                    Alice Ho Miu          Environment
                         Department  – Certificate of                Ling Nethersole

                         Appreciation ,  Rechargeable                Hospital
                         Battery  Recycling Programme

                         2018 -2019
      03/2019            Environmental Protection                    Tai Po  Hospital      Environment

                         Department  – Certificate of
                         Appreciation ,  Rechargeable
                         Ba ttery  Recycling Programme

                         2018 -2019
      05/2019            Hong Kong Council of Social                 North District        Community

                         Service  – 10 Years Plus Caring             Hospital
                         Organisation Logo      2007 -2019

      07/2019            Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative           Prince of Wales       Clinical Service
                         Hong Kong  Association under the            Hospital              Improvement
                         Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF

                         – Award of Baby -Friendly Hospital
      08/2019            Environment Bureau       – Energy           Prince of Wales       Environment

                         Saving Charter 2019       – Certificate     Hospital
                         of Participation

      09/2019            Chinese Dementia Research                   North District        Clinical Service
                         Association  – Best Free Paper              Hospital              Improvement

      09/2019            Environmental Protection                    Prince of Wales       Environment
                         Department  – Certificate of                Hospital

                         Appreciation ,  Rechargeable
                         Battery  Recycling Programme

                         2019 -2020
      09/2019            Hospital Management Asia         –          New Territories       Clinical Service

                         Excellence  Award  in Nursing               East Cluster          Improvement
                         Excellence Category     ,  Asian
                         Hospital  Management Awards

      09/2019            Hosp ital Management Asia        –          North District        Clinical  Service

                         Excellence  Award in Clinical               Hospital              Improvement
                         Service Category    ,  Asian H ospital
                         Management Awards 2019                                                                Chapter VII

      09/2019            Hong Kong Green Organisation                New Territories       Environment
                         Certification  – “Excellence Level”         East Cluster

                         Wastewi$e Certificate
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78