Page 72 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
P. 72

Recognition Scheme 2018/19          Gold
                              Award, Website Stream

          01/2019             Hong Kong Internet Registration            Cheshire Home,         Customer
                              Corporation  – Web Accessibil ity          Shatin                 Service

                              Recognition Scheme 2018/19          Gold
                              Award, Website Stream

          01/2019             Hong Kong Internet Registration            Bradbury               Customer
                              Corporation  – Web Accessibil ity          Hospice                Service
                              Recognition Scheme 2018/19          Gold

                              Award, Website Stream
          03/2019             Hong Kong Council of Social                Prince of Wales        Community

                              Service  – 5 Years Plus Caring             Hospital
                              Organisation Logo

          03/201 9            Hong Kong Council of Social                Alice Ho Miu           Community
                              Service  – 10 Years Plus Caring            Ling Nethersole

                              Organisation Logo     2005 -2019           Hospital
          03/20 19            Hong Kong Council of Social                Tai Po Hospital        Community
                              Service  – 10 Years Plus Caring

                              Organisation Logo     2006 -2019
          03/2019             Asia Pacific Society of Infection          Prince of Wales        Clinical Service

                              Control  - CSSD Center of                  Hospital               Improvement
                              Excellence Program Award 2017         -

          03/2019             New Territories  South Region ,            Prince of Wales        Community

                              Hong Kong Police Force       –             Hospital
                              Recognition of the Meritorious
                              Support Outstanding Partnership

         Appendices     -    C. List of Awards
          03/2019             Environmental Protection                   Alice Ho Miu           Environment

                              Department  – Certificate of               Ling Nethersole
                              Appreciation  for 2018/19                  Hospital
                              Programme  on Source Separation

                              of Commercial and      Industrial

          03/2019             Environmental Protection                   Tai Po Hospital        Environment
                              Department  – Certificate of

                              Appreciation  for 2018/19
                              Programme  on Source Separation
                              of Commercial and      Industrial

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