Page 71 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
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       11/2018            Environmental Campaign                     Alice Ho Miu          Environment
                          Committee  – Hong Kong Green               Ling Nethersole

                          Organisation Certification                 Hospital
       11/2018            Environmental Campaign                     Shatin Hospital       Environment
                          Committee  – Carbon Reduction

                          Certificate 2018   -2021
       11/2018            Environmental Campaign                     Tai Po Hos pital      Environment

                          Committee  - Hong Kong Green
                          Organisation Certification
       11/2018            Environment Bureau       – Certificate     North District        Environment

                          of Appreciation for support to             Hospital
                          organic resources recovery centre

       11/2018            Environment Bureau       – Certificate     Alice Ho Miu          Environment
                          of Appreciation for support to             Ling Nethersole

                          organic resources recovery centre          Hospital
                          O•PARK 1
       11/2018            Environment Bureau       – Certificate     Tai Po  Hospital      Environment

                          of Appreciation for support to
                          organic resources recovery centre

       12/2018            Family Council  – Family -Friendly         New Territories       Occupational
                          Employers 2017/18                          East Cluster          Safety & Health

       01/2019            Environmental Protection                   Prince of Wales       Environment
                          Department  – Certificate of Merit         Hospital
                          for 2018/19 Commendation

                          Scheme on Source Separation of
                          Commercial and      Industrial Waste

       01/2019            Friends of the Earth (HK)     –            Alice Ho Miu          Environment
                          Certificate of Appreciation for            Ling Nethersole
                          Used  Clothes Recycling Program            Hospital

       01/2019            Friends of the Earth (HK)     –            Tai Po  Hospital      Environment
                          Certificate of Appreciation for

                          Used  Clothes Recycling Program
       01/2019            Hong Kong Internet Registration            New Territories       Customer
                          Corporation  – Web Accessibil ity          East Cluster          Service

                          Recognition Scheme 2018/19          Gold
                          Award, Mobile App Stream                                                             Chapter VII

       01/2019            Hong Kong Internet Registration            Shatin Hospital       Customer
                          Corporation  – Web  Accessibil ity                               Service
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