Page 21 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
P. 21


                                                              Generosity of spirit

    summer of 2019, the Health Resource                       We are extremely grateful to have the
    Centre of PWH joined efforts with the                     support of our 6,000 - member strong
    Organ Donation Team and launched the                      volunteers, the largest in HA and the
    “Love Inspired Value Transformed”                         one which contributed the highest
    publication project, involving nearly                     number of service hours. They have
    100 secondary students in the district                    given us unyielding support throughout
    and a team of professional volunteer                      the last two years in the face of
    editors in compiling a book of life                       mounting challenges.
    stories related to organ donation to
    encourage the younger generation to                       If there is anything we have learnt from
    support the meaningful cause. And                         the past two years, it is that as long as
    in 2018 and 2019, two more patient                        we are patient and understanding with
    empowerment projects were set up                          each other as we navigated the many
    respectively, one for PWH diabetes                        challenges facing us as a group and
    patients and one for NDH’s chronic                        individuals, we shall emerge stronger
    obstructive pulmonary disease                             from the storm.
    patients, helping them to cope with
    their illnesses with hope and positivity.
    And on the virtual front, the Cluster

    launched a brand-new internet
    homepage in December 2019,
    which has been designed with the
    aim of providing a one-stop portal
    of healthcare – related community
    resources which both carers and staff                                                                       Chapter IV
    would find handy to their needs.
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