Page 18 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
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Feature Stories
Tech Solutions and
Service Sustainability
In the years 2018-2020, the Cluster made significant strides in transiting to e-based
systems for multiple work processes with the aim of improving work efficiencies,
patient safety and speeding up patients’ access to treatment. In tandem, an extensive
exercise to replace aging equipment was launched and efforts to recruit and bolster
the staff force have been further stepped up, so as to ensure that the service is
sustainable in meeting the challenges brought on by a fast-ageing population.
Embracing E- Plaftorms
After the full implementation of The Cluster has also been actively
Inpatient Medication Order Entry adopting HA’s patient’s apps which
(IPMOE) in the acute hospitals in provide much convenience to patients
the Cluster in 2016, the system and the carers in their hospital’s journey.
was successfully rolled out to the NTEC was one of the pilot sites to
convalescent and rehabilitation launch the “Pay HA” mobile app
hospitals in 2018, thanks to the efforts which has later been integrated to HA
of the multi-disciplinary workgroups GO. With this app, payment of fees
set up at the hospitals. The system, and charges could be settled at the
which provides timely alerts on patients’ fingertip, using both credit cards and
drug allergy and minimizes the need mobile payment systems, saving much
for handwritten prescriptions and valuable time spent on queuing.
hence minimizes errors associated
with transcribing prescriptions and And to save the time and effort spent
the time lag in drug dispensing and on filling out and processing leave and
administration, has been a major other payroll tasks, the E-Leave system
enabler in reducing medication risks was rolled out to all staff in October
and ensuring patients’ safety. The full- 2019, allowing them to apply for leave
scale launch of the system made NTEC and view their leave record via mobile
the first Cluster which has succeeded device. At around the same time, the
in attaining full IPMOE coverage. process of applying for the Special
Meanwhile, PWHAED started utilising Honorarium Scheme (SHS) has also
OPMOE (Outpatient Medication been streamlined with the introduction
Order Entry) as a system check for of an eAllowance platform in myHR
documented allergy history with App. The new modules not only make
good results in abating allergy-related lives easier but also allow frontline
medication incidents at AED. healthcare colleagues to better focus
on doing things that directly help the
caring mission.