Page 20 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
P. 20

Feature Stories

        One for All

        and All for One

        It is an understatement to say that 2018-2020 has been very
        tough years.  Our service came under unexpected challenges
        of a societal and pandemic scale one after one another. Yet
        our teams showed great strength, tenacity and resolve to
        resist the worse effect of such challenges and continued
        to work to live up to our values of putting the needs of our
        patients before ourselves.

        Others before Ourselves                               Doing The Right Thing

        Covid-19 has upended every aspect of                  Outside the Pandemic, the NTEC
        hospital life the world over. In NTEC,                community has been taking every
        when the pandemic was looming in                      opportunity throughout 2018/2020 to
        menacingly, the isolation teams of                    show its determination to brace the
        all our hospitals geared themselves                   odds and do the right things. The Staff
        up in no time to meet the challenges                  Influenza Vaccination Programme
        head-on. They, together with all our                  has broken the record once again in
        different healthcare teams, adapted                   2019/2020 with a close to 60% staff
        to the technical limits and highly                    vaccination rate in the final count, an
        regimental routines without a beat nor a              exemplary performance in the HA,
        single sigh, while the other supporting               building a strong defence for the
        forces including the Procurement                      vulnerable patient groups who could
        and Materials Management Teams                        not take the flu jab.  In November 2018,
        in different hospitals and the PWH                    the North District Hospital took the
        Microbiology team rose to the                         opportunity of its 20th anniversary to
        challenge and ramped up their service                 organize a Breast Health Awareness
        output in support. They worked in full                Fun Day, joined by over 1000 young
        steam on a 24-hour basis, churning                    people and other members of the
        out record number of supplies and test                community. And to dovetail with
        results right on time to help the work                the launch of 24-hour thrombolytic
        on the frontline.  The single-minded                  service in Taipo and North District
        focus in doing everything we could to                 in 2019, AHNH held a Community
        beat the pandemic shown by all levels                 Stroke Awareness Campaign, which
        of staff in the cluster will be a cherished           lasted consecutively for 9 months from
        memory long after the pandemic                        November 2018 to July 2019. In the
        has passed.
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