Page 19 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
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        Maintaining Sustainability

        To ensure the hospital medical                        doctors, 333 nurses and 137 allied
        equipment can meet clinical and                       health professionals. Recruitment
        operation need and to introduce new                   and retention of supporting staff
        technology that catch up with the latest              has remained a challenge in 2018-
        technological advance, the Cluster                    2020. More innovative ways to attract
        rolled out comprehensive replacement                  prospective employees were pursued,
        plans of aged medical equipment                       including virtual job fair and enquiry
        in both 2018/19 and 2019/20. Major                    chat room. Through such proactive
        replacement plan was made for                         means, more than 1700 Patient Care
        incubators, defibrillators, surgical                  Assistants/Operations Assistants/
        instruments, laboratory equipment,                    Executive Assistants at entry level
        physiotherapy equipment, electric beds                have been successfully recruited in the
        and bedside monitors, all in good time                two financial years.
        for the pandemic.
                                                              More challenges are expected ahead
        No other resources are more treasured                 as future is uncertain time. But our
        and valued than our all-important staff               experience has shown that maintaining
        force. The size of Full-time Equivalent               an innovative and long-term focus can
        (FTE) staff count stood at 12,940 by                  help us ride stormy waters to not only
        end of 2019/2020, marking an increase                 sustain but provide better and safer
        of 450 from the previous year. The                    patient service.
        increase in manpower included 102                                                                       Chapter IV
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