Page 44 - Hospital Authority Convention 2018
P. 44

Service Enhancement Presentations

            Speed Presentations

            Monday, 7 May 2018                                               10:15 – 10:45 Room S222-S223

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation
                      F-P1.1    AU Jocelyn  Senior      Community Rehabilitation   Building Service Excellency of Driver
                                           Occupational   Service Support Centre,   Rehabilitation Service in Community
                                           Therapist    Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Rehabilitation Service Support Centre

                      F-P1.3    CHAN Fung-  Associate   Paediatrics, Prince of Wales  Developmental Outcome of Birth Cohort
                                ying Dorothy  Consultant  Hospital          2012-13 under New Territories East Cluster
                                                                            Comprehensive Child Development Service

                      F-P1.6    CHAN Ka-wai  Advanced   Department of Orthopaedics  Enhancement Programme for Patient with
                                           Practice Nurse  and Traumatology, Prince of  Trigger Finger through Integrated Model of
                A                                       Wales Hospital      Care

                      F-P1.8    CHENG Ying-  Nurse Consultant Orthopaedic and   Two-year Experience of Adopting a Safe,
                                cheung                  Traumatology, Pamela Youde  Efficient and Cost-effective Care Model for
                                                        Nethersole Eastern Hospital  Post-operative Orthopaedic Patients at Day

                      F-P1.9    CHOW Siu-lun  Consultant  Department of Medicine   A New Seamless Neuro-work Rehabilitation
                                Eddie                   and Geriatrics, Tuen Mun   Model Reduces Hospitalisation and
                                                        Hospital            Successfully Enables More Stroke
                                                                            Rehabilitation Patient Recover and Return to
                                                                            Work Early

                                                                            10:15 – 10:45 Room S224-S225

             Location  Presentation  Name  Post         Institution         Topic of Presentation

                      F-P1.37   TANG Wing-  Consultant  Medicine and Geriatrics,   Restorative Rehabilitation on Weekends and
                                sze Maria               Shatin Hospital     Public Holidays for Stroke Patients

                      F-P1.39   TSE Chi-wah   Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy, Tuen Mun   Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the 365-
                                Eric                    Hospital            day Physiotherapy Restorative Rehabilitation
                                                                            Programme for Geriatric Hip Fracture
                                                                            Patients – A Preliminary Review

                      F-P1.43   YEUNG Yiu-  Consultant  Medicine and Geriatrics,   A New Service Model to Shorten the Waiting
                                cheong                  Princess Margaret Hospital  Time of Image-guided Fine Needle Aspiration
                B                                                           of Lung by Radiologist: The Role of Chest

                      F-P1.45   YU Kim-kam   Chief of Service  Rehabilitation, Kowloon   Geriatric Support at Queen Elizabeth
                                Teresa                  Hospital            Hospital Accident and Emergency
                      F-P2.28   LUK Leung   Director    Nethersole Institute of   Healthcare Providers’ Experience of Clinical
                                Andrew                  Continuing Holistic Health   Incident in Hong Kong: Coping Strategies
                                                        Education, Alice Ho Miu   and Needs
                                                        Ling Nethersole Charity

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