Page 24 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 24

Programme by Day
            Tuesday, 16 May 2017 | Room 421

              09:00 – 10:15                      * Opening Ceremony (Convention Hall)
                                                           Welcome Address
                                             Prof John LEONG Chi-yan, Chairman, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                         Congratulatory Message
                              Mr Hesheng WANG, Vice Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, The People’s Republic of China
                                                           Special Address
                        The Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, Chief Secretary for Administration, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
                                                           Keynote Address
                                               Dr PY LEUNG, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
              10:15 – 10:45                      Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)
                                                          Tea Break
              10:45 – 12:00                     Better Manage Growing Service Demands                 F1
                        Chairpersons: Dr Christina MAW
                                  Chief Manager (Primary and Community Services), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                  Dr KT TOM
                                  Hospital Chief Executive, Tseung Kwan O Hospital and Haven of Hope Hospital, Hong Kong
                        F1.1   Discharge Lounge – Proactive Model to Success/CHAN R et al.
                        F1.2   An Effective Bed Management Strategy Alleviating Access Block Problem in Prince of Wales Hospital/CHAN SP et al.
                        F1.3   Service Accessibility Monitoring of Cancers in Hospital Authority by Data Mining Approach/FAN ESH et al.
                        F1.4   Stratified Upper Limb Training Programme for Stroke Patients in Rehabilitation Stroke Unit in Occupational Therapy
                             Department of Tuen Mun Hospital/LAM CM et al.
                        F1.5   Thyroid Triaging Programme for Early Diagnosis, Timely Referral, and Prompt Management of Thyroid Diseases/LOONG
                             CHN et al.
                        F1.6   Co-care Service Model for the Care of Patients on Ventilator in General Wards of Queen Elizabeth Hospital/NG LY et al.
                        F1.7   A Self-developed Tracing System to Enhance Medical Record Security through “Registered Mail” Mechanism/LEUNG HK
                             et al.
              12:00 – 13:15                                 Lunch
              13:15 – 14:30                      Staff Engagement and Empowerment                     F2
                        Chairpersons: Ms Katherine SHIU
                                  Chief Manager (Human Resources), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                  Dr Cissy YU
                                  Hospital Chief Executive, Tung Wah Hospital, Hong Kong
                        F2.1   Less Restraint Less Fall/KWAN SY et al.
                        F2.2   Success of Preventing Multiple Drug Resistant Organisms Spread by the Enhanced Infection Control Measures in High
                             Risk Nursing Procedures/WU TC et al.
                        F2.3   A Cohort Study on Protocol-based Nurse-led Outpatient Management of Post-chemotherapy Low Risk Febrile
                             Neutropenia/LIM MY et al.
                        F2.4   Simulation Training programme for Newly Deployed Nurses in an Isolation Ward/SI MD et al.
                        F2.5   Upholding Person-centred Care: Two Years’ Staff Engagement Experience in Shatin Hospital and Bradbury  Hospice/
                             CHUI WST et al.
                        F2.6   Express Queue Service in Specialist Oupatient Clinic Pharmacies/WONG JCY et al.
                        F2.7   Make a Change in Eight STEPS – Ensuring Correct Patient Identification in Accident and Emergency Department of
                             Pok Oi Hospital/WONG WMB et al.
              14:30 – 15:45                       Clinical Safety and Quality Service I               F3
                        Chairpersons: Dr Deacons YEUNG
                                  Hospital Chief Executive, Pok Oi Hospital and Tin Shui Wai Hospital, Hong Kong
                                  Dr Lilian LEONG
                                  Founding President and Immediate Past President, Hong Kong College of Radiologists, Hong Kong
                        F3.1   A Pilot Study to Investigate the Effect of Group-based Activity Programme on Health Related Quality of Life for Patients
                             with Musculoskeletal Injuries in Our Work Rehabilitation Programme/CHAN SMV et al.
                        F3.2   Multi-centre Project for the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Diabetes Nurse Clinic on Patients with Newly Diagnosed
                             Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus/CHENG MWW et al.
                        F3.3   A Pilot Project: Implementation of Duplication Checking for Ultrasound Examinations in Princess Margaret Hospital/CHUI
                             AKF et al.
                        F3.4   Prediction of Length of Stay from Recovery Factors in Psychiatric Rehabilitation/LAI FHY et al.
                        F3.5   Multi-centre Collaboration Project: Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Diabetes Nurse Clinic in Treating Patient Who Needs
                             Initiation of Insulin Therapy/LEUNG LYE et al.
                        F3.6   Evaluation of Rheumatology Nurse-led Clinic in Managing Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Retrospective Study/
                             LEUNG YME et al.
                        F3.7   Streamline Care Pathway for Cancer Patients at Risk of Febrile Neutropenia after Chemotherapy Treatment/MAK SSS et
              15:45 – 16:15                      Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)
                                                          Tea Break
              16:15 – 17:30                       Clinical Safety and Quality Service II              F4
                        Chairpersons: Dr TC WONG
                                  Hospital Chief Executive, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital, Hong Kong
                                  Dr Ian CHEUNG
                                  Chief Manager (Cluster Performance), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                        F4.1   Prevention of Neonatal Extravasation Injuries: The Experience of a Neonatal Unit in Hong Kong/CHAN KM et al.
                        F4.2   The Implementation of an Integrated Observation Chart with Newborn Early Warning Signs to Facilitate Early Observation
                             of Infants at Risk of Clinical Deterioration/CHAN MY et al.
                        F4.3   Risk Management Enhancement Framework in New Territories West Cluster on Risk Register Development and
                             Performance Monitoring Process/WONG B et al.
                        F4.4   The Effectiveness of Conservative Treatment on Patient of Different Onset Time with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/LAM CY
                        F4.5   Seeing before Doing, and Achieving an Operation with Better Quality and Patient Safety – Filmless Operating Theatres
                             Project/LAU AMT et al.
                        F4.6   A High Accessible and Measurable Approach in Train-the-trainer Workshop: Theoretical and Simulation Training on Pain
                             Assessment and Management/LEUNG PNC et al.
                        F4.7   Enhanced Registry for Safer Heart Transplant/TSE AWS et al.
              17:30 – 18:00               Celebration of Achievements of HA Staff (Convention Hall B)
            *  Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話   Information as at 24 April 2017. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
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