Page 22 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 22

Programme by Day
             Tuesday, 16 May 2017 | Theatre 2

              09:00 – 10:15                      * Opening Ceremony (Convention Hall)

                                                           Welcome Address
                                             Prof John LEONG Chi-yan, Chairman, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                         Congratulatory Message
                              Mr Hesheng WANG, Vice Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, The People’s Republic of China
                                                           Special Address
                        The Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, Chief Secretary for Administration, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
                                                           Keynote Address
                                               Dr PY LEUNG, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

              10:15 – 10:45                      Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)
                                                          Tea Break
              10:45 – 12:00                   Special Session 1 – Mainland China Healthcare           SS1

                        Chairperson: Dr WL CHEUNG
                                 Director (Cluster Services), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                        SS1.1  Application of Big Data: Evaluating the Medical Services in Shanghai Public Hospitals
                             Mr JL WU, Director-General of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning, The People’s Republic of
                        SS1.2  Smart Healthcare Innovations in Beijing
                             Mr LY FANG, Director-General of Beijing Municipal Commission of Health and Family Planning, The People’s Republic of

              12:00 – 13:15                                 Lunch
              13:15 – 14:30            Special Session 2 – Simulation in Clinical Training and Assessment  SS2
                        Chairperson: Dr PP CHEN
                                 Honorary Director, Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine, Hong Kong
                        SS2.1  Use of Simulation in Disaster Medicine Training
                             Prof HS CHUNG, Professor, Emergency Medicine Department, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
                        SS2.2  The Art and Science of Debriefing in Healthcare Learning
                             Dr HY SO, Service Director (Quality and Safety), Department of Quality and Safety, New Territories East Cluster, Hospital
                             Authority, Hong Kong
                        SS2.3  Teaching Crew Resource Management with Clinical Simulation: We Learned More than We Taught
                             Dr YF CHOI, Consultant, Accident and Emergency Department, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong

              14:30 – 15:45                      Special Session 3 – Preserve Fertility               SS3
                        Chairperson: Prof Francis CHAN
                                 Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong
                        SS3.1  Surgical Strategies to Preserve Fertility
                             Prof TC LI, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

                        SS3.2  Embryo and Oocyte Freezing to Preserve Fertility
                             Prof Jacqueline CHUNG, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The Chinese University of
                             Hong Kong, Hong Kong

              15:45 – 16:15                      Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)
                                                          Tea Break
              16:15 – 17:30               Masterclass 7 – Massive Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage      M7
                        Chairperson: Dr NC SIN
                                 Chief Manager (Patient Safety and Risk Management), Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                        M7.1   Territory-wide Massive Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH>1,500 ml) Survey in Hospital Authority Obstetric
                             Units with Recommendations and the Way Forward
                             Dr WC LEUNG, Consultant and Chief of Service, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital,
                             Hong Kong
                        M7.2   Second Line Therapies – Balloon Tamponade, Compression Sutures and Others
                             Dr WL LAU, Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kwong Wah Hospital, Hong Kong
                        M7.3   Massive Transfusion Protocol in Obstetric Haemorrhage
                             Dr CK LEE, Chief Executive and Medical Director, Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Hong Kong

              17:30 – 18:00               Celebration of Achievements of HA Staff (Convention Hall B)

            *  Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話   Information as at 24 April 2017. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
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