Page 27 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 27

Programme by Day

                                                                   Wednesday, 17 May 2017 | Convention Hall B

                09:00 – 10:15                * Symposium 6 – Effective Utilisation of Medical Resources  S6
                           Chairperson: Dr SV LO
                                    Cluster Chief Executive, New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                           S6.1   Developing a Quality Framework for the Healthcare System                         HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                Sir Bruce KEOGH, National Medical Director, Medical Directorate, NHS England, UK
                           S6.2   Measuring for Quality in Healthcare
                                Prof Thomas LEW, Chairman, Medical Board, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

                10:15 – 10:45                         Speed Presentation (S222-S228)

                                                             Tea Break
                10:45 – 12:00                  * Symposium 9 – Healthcare Performance Measure            S9

                           Chairperson: Dr Tony KO
                                    Cluster Chief Executive, New Territories West Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                           S9.1   NHS Atlases of Variation – the Power of Variation
                                Prof Matthew CRIPPS, National Director, NHS RightCare, NHS England, UK
                           S9.2   Measuring Operating Theatre Efficiency in the Hospital Authority
                                Prof Paul BS LAI, Honorary Chief of Service and Cluster Coordinator for Surgical Services, Department of Surgery,
                                Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

                12:00 – 13:15                                 Lunch

                13:15 – 14:30            * Parallel Session 10 – Working in Harmony – Happy Staff Happy Patient  PS10
                           Chairperson: Mr Stephen LEE
                                    Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong
                           PS10.1  The Anticipation of Errors in Patient Treatment among Medical Students
                                 Prof Jill KLEIN, Professorial Fellow, Department of Medical Education, Melbourne Medical School, University of
                                 Melbourne, Australia
                           PS10.2  Conflict Resolution and Mediation with High Conflict Personalities
                                 Dr Helena YUEN, Solicitor and Mediator, Conflict Resolution Centre, Hong Kong

                14:30 – 15:45                        * Symposium 13 – Cultural Diversity                S13

                           Chairperson: Dr TY CHUI
                                    Cluster Chief Executive,  Kowloon East Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                           S13.1  Culture and Mental Health
                                Prof Dinesh BHUGRA, Professor Emeritus, Health Service and Population Research, Institute of Psychiatry,
                                Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK
                           S13.2  Ethnic Minorities’ Health in Hong Kong within Its Cultural Diversity
                                Dr Sharmila GURUNG, Service Manager, United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service, Hong Kong
                           S13.3  We all Come from Somewhere – Our Experience with Cultural Diversity
                                Dr KL ONG, Consultant, Department of Accident and Emergency, Tuen Mun Hospital and Pok Oi Hospital, Hong Kong

                15:45 – 16:15                         Speed Presentation (S222-S228)
                                                            Poster Viewing

                                                             Tea Break
                16:15 – 18:30                              Convention Hall

                                                 Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony
                                         Presentation of Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Display Awards
                                            Presentation of HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award 2017

               *  Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話   Information as at 24 April 2017. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
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