Page 26 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 26

Programme by Day
            Wednesday, 17 May 2017 | Convention Hall A

              09:00 – 10:15                Symposium 5 – Improving Healthcare through Innovation      S5
                        Chairperson: Dr TL LEE
                                 Hospital Chief Executive, Hong Kong Children's Hospital, Hong Kong
                        S5.1   An Overview of the Virtual Doctors Service in Zambia
                             Mr Huw JONES, Executive Director, The Virtual Doctors, UK
                        S5.2   Application of Simulation to Improve Clinical Efficiency – Systems Integration
                             Prof HS CHUNG, Professor, Emergency Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea

              10:15 – 10:45                        Speed Presentation (S222-S228)

                                                          Tea Break
              10:45 – 12:00              Parallel Session 6 – Service Planning for the Ageing Population  PS6

                        Chairperson: Dr Donald LI
                                 Immediate Past President, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong
                        PS6.1  Planning for the Future Elderly Services – a Local Perspective
                             Dr CC LAM, Chairman, Elderly Commission, Hong Kong
                        PS6.2  Considerations for a Geriatric Surgery Service
                             Prof KY TAN, Head and Senior Consultant, Department of General Surgery, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore

              12:00 – 13:15                                 Lunch

              13:15 – 14:30                       Parallel Session 9 – Hospital Design                PS9
                        Chairperson: Mr Daniel LAM
                                 Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong
                        PS9.1  Smart Hospitals for the Future
                             Mr David BALLANTYNE, Executive Director (Planning and Solutions), Health Infrastructure, NSW Health, Australia
                        PS9.2  JurongHealth Campus – Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital
                             Mr KS NG, Chief Operating Officer, Hospital Operations, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Jurong Community Hospital,
                             Jurong Health Services, Singapore

              14:30 – 15:45                  Symposium 12 – Inter-professional Collaboration          S12

                        Chairperson: Dr Theresa LI
                                 Head of Human Resources, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                        S12.1  Health Service Accreditation Programmes: Their Role, Contribution and Associated Challenges to Driving Quality,
                             Safety and Organisational Improvement
                             Prof David GREENFIELD, Director, Australian Institute of Health Service Management, University of Tasmania, Australia
                        S12.2  Inter-professional Collaboration in the Community
                             Dr Felix CHAN, Service Director (Primary and Community Health Care) and Chief of Service, Department of Medicine and
                             Geriatrics, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Fung Yiu King Hospital, Hong Kong
                        S12.3  Inter-professional Collaboration on Lean Improvement Programmes
                             Prof Paul BS LAI, Honourary Chief of Service and Cluster Coordinator for Surgical Services, Department of Surgery,
                             Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong
              15:45 – 16:15                        Speed Presentation (S222-S228)
                                                         Poster Viewing

                                                          Tea Break
              16:15 – 18:30                             Convention Hall

                                              Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony
                                      Presentation of Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Display Awards
                                         Presentation of HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award 2017

            *  Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話   Information as at 24 April 2017. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
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