Page 19 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 19

Programme by Day

                                                                      Tuesday, 16 May 2017 | Convention Hall B

                09:00 – 10:15                       * Opening Ceremony (Convention Hall)
                                                              Welcome Address
                                                Prof John LEONG Chi-yan, Chairman, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                            Congratulatory Message
                                Mr Hesheng WANG, Vice Minister of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, The People’s Republic of China  HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                                                              Special Address
                           The Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung, Chief Secretary for Administration, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
                                                              Keynote Address
                                                  Dr PY LEUNG, Chief Executive, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                10:15 – 10:45                       Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)
                                                             Tea Break
                10:45 – 12:00               * Plenary Session I – Quality Health Service (Convention Hall)  P1
                           Chairperson: Prof John LEONG Chi-yan
                                    Chairman, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                           P1.1   Quality Health Service – NHS England
                                Sir Bruce KEOGH, National Medical Director, Medical Directorate, NHS England, UK
                           P1.2   Implementing Patient-centred Care: An Opportunity to Stop, Reflect and Review, and Move Forward Building
                                upon on Your Strengths
                                Prof David GREENFIELD, Director, Australian Institute of Health Service Management, University of Tasmania, Australia
                12:00 – 13:15                                 Lunch
                13:15 – 14:30                       * Plenary Session II – Elderly Services              P2
                           Chairperson: Prof Maurice YAP
                                    Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong
                           P2.1   How to Tackle the Challenges of the Ageing Population
                                Prof David OLIVER, Clinical Vice President, Care Quality Improvement Department, Royal College of Physicians, UK
                           P2.2   Hospital Design in the Context of an Ageing Population: Case Studies Rural NSW
                                Mr David BALLANTYNE, Executive Director (Planning and Solutions), Health Infrastructure, NSW Health, Australia

                14:30 – 15:45     * Plenary Session III – Out-of-the-box Management – Innovation and Crisis Communication  P3
                           Chairperson: Mr Lester Garson HUANG
                                    Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong
                           P3.1   NHS RightCare – Delivering Optimal Healthcare in England
                                Prof Matthew CRIPPS, National Director, NHS RightCare, NHS England, UK
                           P3.2   Managing the Unthinkable – Crisis Management and Communication
                                Prof Frederick MA, Chairman, The MTR Corporation Limited, Hong Kong

                15:45 – 16:15                       Speed Presentation (Room S222-S228)
                                                             Tea Break
                16:15 – 17:30             * Plenary Session IV – The Changing Culture in Patient-centred Care  P4
                           Chairperson: Mr KH WONG
                                    Hospital Authority Board Member, Hong Kong
                           P4.1   Surgery as Placebo
                                Prof Ian HARRIS, AM, Orthopaedics Department, University of New South Wales, Australia
                           P4.2   Quality Palliative Care Services – the Growing Demand
                                Dr Cynthia GOH, Chair, Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network and Senior Consultant in Palliative Medicine, National
                                Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore

                17:30 – 18:00               Celebration of Achievements of HA Staff (Convention Hall B)

               *  Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話   Information as at 24 April 2017. Please check the latest directory at the venue.
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