Page 17 - Hospital Authority Convention 2017
P. 17

Programme at a Glance

                                                                                        Tuesday, 16 May 2017
             08:15 – 09:00                                   Registration
                                                            Convention Hall
             09:00 – 10:15                                 Opening Ceremony  *
                                             Welcome Address by Prof John LEONG Chi-yan    Congratulatory Message by Mr Hesheng WANG
                                    Special Address by the Hon Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung   Keynote Address by Dr PY LEUNG
             10:15 – 10:45                               Speed Presentation (Level 2)
                                                              Tea Break                                            HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2017
                          Convention Hall       Theatre 1          Theatre 2       Room 221       Room 421
             10:45 – 12:00          Plenary Session I *           Special Session 1  Masterclass 1  Service Enhancement
                                                                                                 Presentation 1
                                                                                Diabetic Eye Disease:    Better Manage Growing
                                    Quality Health Service     Mainland China Healthcare  What’s New?  Service Demands
                                                            P1             SS1             M1              F1
             12:00 – 13:15                                     Lunch
                     Convention Hall A  Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 423 & 424  Room 421
             13:15 – 14:30  Masterclass 2   Plenary Session II *  Symposium 1  Symposium 2  Special Session 2  Parallel Session 1  Masterclass 3  Service Enhancement
                                                                                                   Presentation 2
                        Cerebral                                 Simulation in   Nursing Services at   Recent Advance in
                     Revascularisation for   Elderly Services  Mental Health  Tele-medicine  Clinical Training and   the Front Door of the  Management of Distal   Staff Engagement and
                     Stroke Prevention                           Assessment  Hospital  Radius Fracture  Empowerment
                             M2         P2         S1       S2         SS2         PS1         M3          F2
                     Convention Hall A   Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 423 & 424  Room 421
             14:30 – 15:45  Masterclass 4  Plenary Session III *  Symposium 3  Parallel Session 2  Special Session 3  Parallel Session 3  Masterclass 5  Service Enhancement
                                                                                                   Presentation 3
                      Multi-disciplinary   Out-of-the-box
                      Management of   Management –   Rehabilitation in the   Healthcare   Metabolic and Bariatric   Clinical Safety and
                      Neurometabolic   Innovation and Crisis   Community  Financing  Preserve Fertility  Nurse Clinic  Surgery in Hong Kong  Quality Service I
                       Disorders  Communication
                             M4         P3         S3       PS2        SS3         PS3         M5          F3
             15:45 – 16:15                               Speed Presentation (Level 2)
                                                              Tea Break
                       Convention Hall A   Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 421
             16:15 – 17:30  Masterclass 6  Plenary Session IV *  Symposium 4  Parallel Session 4  Masterclass 7  Masterclass 8  Service  Enhancement
                                                                                                   Presentation 4
                     Surgical Services at Hong
                     Kong Children’s Hospital                              Massive Primary
                      and Plastic Surgery on   The Changing Culture in  Clinical Applications of Big   3D Printing in   Postpartum   Cosmetic Drug/  Clinical Safety and
                      Congenital Diseases  Patient-centred Care  Data  Medicine I  Haemorrhage  Toxicology  Quality Service II
                                              P4            S4         PS4         M7          M8          F4
             17:30 – 18:00                       Celebration of Achievements of HA Staff (Convention Hall B)
                                                                                     Wednesday, 17 May 2017
                     Convention Hall A  Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 423 & 424  Room 428  Room 421
             09:00 – 10:15  Symposium 5  Symposium 6 *  Symposium 7  Symposium 8  Special Session 4  Masterclass 9  Parallel Session 5  Masterclass 10  Enhancement
                                                                                                    Presentation 5
                                                                                          Palliative and/or
                                                            Recent Advances               End–of–life Care   Healthcare
                       Improving   Effective Utilisation       in Acute   Advance in   Collaborative   for Patients with   Advances,
                     Healthcare through   of Medical   Geriatric Care  Decision Making  Ischaemic Stroke   Colorectal Cancer   Service   Advanced Chronic   Research and
                       Innovation  Resources                 Management  Management  Programmes  Obstructive   Innovations
                                                                                         Pulmonary Disease
                             S5       S6        S7        S8       SS4       M9        PS5       M10       F5
                                                         Speed Presentation (Level 2)
             10:15 –10:45                                     Tea Break
                     Convention Hall A  Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 423 & 424  Room 428  Room 421
                                                                                            Corporate   Service
             10:45 – 12:00  Parallel Session 6  Symposium 9 *  Symposium 10  Parallel Session 7  Special Session 5  Masterclass 11  Parallel Session 8  Scholarship   Enhancement
                                                                                           Presentation I  Presentation 6
                                                             Social Hygiene
                     Service Planning    Healthcare   3D Printing in   Service – a   Technology     Partnership with
                        for the   Performance   Palliative Care  Crossover of Clinical   Renal Medicine  Advancement and   Medical
                     Ageing Population  Measure     Medicine II  Service and Public   Innovation     Patients and
                                                               Health                                Community
                            PS6       S9        S10      PS7       SS5       M11       PS8       C1        F6
             12:00 – 13:15                                     Lunch
             13:15 – 14:30  Convention Hall A  Convention Hall B  Convention Hall C  Theatre 1  Theatre 2  Room 221  Room 423 & 424  Room 428  Room 421
                                                                                              Corporate   Service
                     Parallel Session 9  Parallel Session 10 *  Masterclass 12  #  Symposium 11  # Parallel Session 11 Masterclass 13  Masterclass 14  Scholarship   Enhancement
                                                                                             Presentation II  Presentation 7
                                           What Matters to
                                         Patients? Insight from   Staff   Transformation
                                Working in   Patient Experience and   Engagement   in   Respiratory   Committed and
                     Hospital Design   Harmony – Happy   Satisfaction Survey   and   Pharmaceutical   Medicine  Geriatric Pearl  Nursing  Happy Staff
                              Staff Happy Patient  Programmes and Way   Collaboration  Services
                            PS9      PS10          M12     S11     PS11     M13          M14      C2       F7
                                                                                             Corporate   Service
             14:30 – 15:45  Symposium 12       Symposium 13 *  Symposium 14  Parallel Session 12 Parallel Session 13 Parallel Session 14  Masterclass 15  Scholarship   Enhancement
                                                                                            Presentation III  Presentation 8
                                                                                Lesson Learnt from
                                         Managing Increased   How and Why   Using IT Data   Community   the Application of   Young HA
                     Inter–professional   Cultural Diversity   Healthcare Service   Staff Training is   to Improve   Outreaching   Stepped Care Model for   Allied Health  Investigators
                      Collaboration         Demands  Important to Big   Healthcare  Services  Psychosocial Service in   and Pharmacy  Presentations
                                                      Organisations               Palliative Care
                            S12       S13          S14     PS12    PS13     PS14    M15           C3       F8
                                                          Speed Presentation (Level 2)
             15:45 – 16:15                                   Poster Viewing
                                                              Tea Break
             16:15 – 18:30                                   Convention Hall
                                                      Presentation of Awards and Closing Ceremony
                                                Presentation of Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Display Awards
                                                  Presentation of HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award 2017
            *  Simultaneous Interpretation: English/Putonghua 即時傳譯:英文/普通話   Information as at 24 April 2017. Please check the latest directory at the venue.  15
            #   Session conducted in Cantonese  此節以廣東話進行
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