Page 59 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 59

Service Enhancement Presentations                                                     HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P3 Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

Location Name           Post                      Institution                    Topic of Presentation

F-P3.36  TSANG Lap-fung Deputising                Nursing Services Division,     Application of “Pointing and Calling” to Address High
                                  Senior Nursing  United Christian Hospital      Risk Medication Administration Incident Related to
                                  Officer                                        Infusion and Syringe Pump

F-P3.37 WONG Ivy        Speech                    Department of Speech Therapy, Community Feeding Skills Training Programmes for
                        Therapist                 Tuen Mun Hospital              Old Age Home in New Territories West Cluster

F-P3.38  WONG Kam-      Senior Medical            Department of Tuberculosis and Prevalence Survey of Chronic Ventilator-dependent
         cheung         Officer                   Chest, TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Patients in Medicine Specialties Wards of the
                                                  Hospital                       Kowloon West Cluster Hospitals

F-P3.39  WONG Lai-tan   Advanced                  Department of Medicine and     A Review of Post-discharge Phone Call as a
                        Practice Nurse            Geriatrics, United Christian   Sustainable Tactic to Improve Quality of Patient Care
                                                  Hospital                       and Outcomes in Stroke Patients

F-P3.40  WONG Wai-man Nurse                       Department of Surgery, Prince Implementation of Interdepartmental Pre-operative
         Like Consultant                          of Wales Hospital              Patient Education Programme in Neurosurgical Unit

F-P3.41  MF WONG        Occupational              Department of Occupational     The Impact of Orthopaedic and Geriatric Co-
                        Therapist I               Therapy, United Christian      care Ward and Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation in
                                                  Hospital                       Improving the Clinical Outcomes of Hip Fracture

F-P3.42  WONG Wai-yin   Advanced                  Infection Control Unit, Grantham Boost the Healthcare Workers to Receive Flu
                        Practice Nurse Hospital                                  Vaccination — Myth?

F-P3.43  LEE Yick-chun  Ward Manager              Department of Ambulatory       The Full Automatic Alert System on Specimen
                                                  Services Centre and Mixed      Delivery
                                                  Specialty Wards, Pok Oi

F-P3.44  YEUNG Cheryl   Associate                 Anaesthesia and Operating      The Patient Blood Management Approach for
                        Consultant                Theatre Services, Tseung Kwan  Colorectal Surgical Patients Decreased Perioperative
                                                  O Hospital                     Transfusion Rate — Early Experience in Tseung
                                                                                 Kwan O Hospital

F-P3.45  YUEN Man-hei   Registered                Department of Orthopaedics Promoting Continuity of Care — Phone Follow-up
                        Nurse                     and Traumatology, Tseung Kwan Service for Geriatric Hip Fracture Patients
                                                  O Hospital

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