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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    F-P2 Staff Engagement and Empowerment

                                    Location Name           Post               Institution                    Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P2.1   CHAN Chun-fung Registered         Department of Clinical         “GrowMe” Training Programme for the Integrated
                                                                      Nurse    Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital    Chinese-Western Medicine Team

                                    F-P2.2   LEE Mei-hing   Advanced           Department of Surgery,         A Rise in Fall Incidence? Tackle It Right Away!
                                                            Practice Nurse     Ruttonjee and Tang Siu Kin

                                    F-P2.3   CHAN Lin-ni    Registered         Department of Clinical         Enhancement of Wound Management in Clinical
                                             Christine      Nurse              Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital    Oncology Ward: Selection of Appropriate Dressing
                                                                                                              Materials for Complex Chronic Wound

                                    F-P2.4   CHAN Yee-chi   Advanced           Nursing Services Division,     Journey Towards Evidence-based Nursing Practice
                                             Cecilia        Practice Nurse     Ruttonjee and Tang Siu Kin

                                    F-P2.5   CHAN David     Associate          Family Medicine, Queen         Review of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
                                                            Consultant         Elizabeth Hospital             Patients in Nurse and Allied Health Respiratory
                                                                                                              Clinic 2009-2015 in Kowloon Central Cluster Family
                                                                                                              Medicine and General Outpatient Department

                                    F-P2.6   KM CHAN        Nurse              Nursing Services Department,   S.T.A.B.L.E. — an Internationally Recognised
                                                            Consultant         United Christian Hospital      Evidence-based Training Programme for Neonatal
                                                                                                              Critical Care Significantly Improves Nurses’
                                                                                                              Competence in Hong Kong

                                    F-P2.7   CHAN Kit-ming  Assistant Social Department of Community and “Harmony Peer Relationship, Happy Working Unit,
                                                            Work Officer       Patient Resource, Pamela Youde Quality Patient Services” — a Pilot Peer Exchange
                                                                               Nethersole Eastern Hospital    Programme

                                    F-P2.8   CHAN Ka-wing   Registered         Department of Surgery, North New Territories East Cluster Post Mastectomy Breast
                                             Kovie          Nurse              District Hospital              Reconstruction a Revamp

                                    F-P2.9   CHAN Wai-han   Advanced           Department of Paediatrics and  Impact of Patient Management Rounds on the
                                                            Practice Nurse     Adolescent Medicine, Pamela    Practice Environment and Nurse Satisfaction in
                                                                               Youde Nethersole Eastern       Paediatric Care

                                    F-P2.10  CHAO Fung-wah Advanced            Community Care Division, Tuen Simulation Training Enhance the Care of Patient with
                                                            Practice Nurse Mun Hospial                        Gastrostomy in Community

                                    F-P2.11  CHAU Pui-yi    Registered         Department of Quality and      Stakeholders Engagement Programme to Prevent
                                                            Nurse              Safety, Princess Margaret      Pressure Ulcers

                                    F-P2.12  CHAU Rosanna Department           Physiotherapy Department,      Equipment Maintenance and Repair Management
                                                                      Manager  Kowloon Hospital               Programme through Environment Ambassador
                                                                                                              Project Promoted Safety and Efficiency with
                                                                                                              Enhanced Staff Engagement

                                    F-P2.13  CHEUNG Ho-wai Registered          Department of Medicine and     Risk Reduction Programme: Medication Safety
                                                                      Nurse    Geriatrics, United Christian   Package for Clinical Staff

                                    F-P2.14  CHOW Ching-    Ward Manager       Department of Orthopaedics     Orientation and Induction Programme for New
                                             man Norita                        and Traumatology, Ruttonjee    Staff in Enhancing Specific Orthopaedics and
                                                                               and Tang Siu Kin Hospitals     Traumatology Nursing in Ruttonjee and Tang Siu Kin

                                    F-P2.15  DO Tsui-ling   Advanced           Community Care Service,        “Engaging Staff in Participating the Activities of
                                                            Practice Nurse Queen Mary Hospital                Community Programme in Wah Fu Community

                                    F-P2.16  HO Pui-shan    Advanced           Department of Clinical         AEPO — Audit Environment, Audit Processes
                                                            Practice Nurse Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital        and Audit Outcomes of Chinese Medication

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