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Service Enhancement Presentations                                                       HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P3 Clinical Safety and Quality Service I

Location Name           Post                      Institution                   Topic of Presentation

F-P3.1   AU Lai-fan     Dietitian                 Department of Dietetics, Shatin Enhanced Management of Dysphagia Patients — a
         Vanessa                                  Hospital                      Multidisciplinary Approach

F-P3.2   CHAN Chun-kit Registered                 Accident and Emergency        Feasibility of Teaching Nurses Point-of-Care
         Jacky          Nurse                     Department, Ruttonjee and Tang Ultrasound for Common Nursing Procedures — a
                                                  Siu Kin Hospitals             Pilot Study

F-P3.3   CHAN Kar-kay   Advanced                  Department of Surgery, Queen  Quality Improvement Programme on Using
                        Practice Nurse            Mary Hospital                 Abdominal Binder to Prevent Recurrent Stomal
                                                                                Prolapse of Loop Transverse Colostomy

F-P3.4   CHEUNG Sin-fan Occupational              Occupational Therapy          Evaluating the Efficacy of the Self-management
                                  Therapist II    Department, Kowloon Hospital  Programme and Its Relation to the Quality of Life in
                                                                                the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme

F-P3.5   CHEUNG Hok-    Physiotherapist I Department of Physiotherapy,          Enhancement of Standard of Care in Palliative Care
         leung Steven                           Shatin Hospital                 Unit — a Multidisciplinary Fatigue Management
                                                                                Programme for Cancer Patients

F-P3.6   CHOI Yuen-yee  Ward Manager              Department of Orthopaedics Pilot Outreach Community Programme to Enhance
                                                  and Traumatology, Queen Mary Community Partnership with Residential Care Home
                                                  Hospital                      for Elderly in Hong Kong West Cluster

F-P3.7   CHOY Yin-ping Nurse                      Department of Oncology,       Oncology Nurse-led Protocol-based Ambulatory
                                  Consultant      Princess Margaret Hospital    Management of Low Risk Febrile Neutropenia: A
                                                                                Successful Outcome and Model of Care

F-P3.8   CHU Man-wa     Pharmacist                Pharmacy Department, Queen Clinical Pharmacy Service in Queen Elizabeth
         Amy                                      Elizabeth Hospital            Hospital Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

F-P3.9   CHU Yan-yan    Advanced                  Operating Theatre, Tuen Mun   Enhancement Programme: Trauma Management in
                        Practice Nurse Hospital                                 Operating Theatre

F-P3.10  FONG Choi-ching Advanced                 Department of Surgery, Queen  Quality Improvement Programme in Stoma
                                  Practice Nurse  Mary Hospital                 Clinic: Early Application of Convexity Pouch to
                                                                                Ileostmate with Flush Stoma and/or Peristomal Skin

F-P3.11  FUNG Kim-yook Physiotherapist I Department of Physiotherapy, A Pilot Enhanced Rehabilitative Model for Rectal
         Brigitte                                 Kwong Wah Hospital            Cancer Patients

F-P3.12  FUNG Man-yi    Ward Manager Operating Theatre, Yan Chai                Strategy to Mitigate the Risk of Surgical Sponge
                                                Hospital                        Retention through the Use of Pocketed Sponge Bag
                                                                                in Operating Theatre

F-P3.13  HO Chi-wai     Nurse                     Department of Surgery, Pamela Advanced Practice: Pressure Ulcer Assessment
                        Consultant                Youde Nethersole Eastern      Using the Ultrasound by Nurses

F-P3.14  HO Chik-leung  Resident                  Department of Accident and    Ambulatory Care of Primary Spontaneous
                        Specialist                Emergency Medicine, Tuen Mun Pneumothorax with Mobile Chest Drains

F-P3.15  KAM Grace      Consultant                Department of Medicine and    Structured Multidisciplinary Metabolic Surgery
                                                  Geriatrics, United Christian  Programme at Kowloon East Cluster

F-P3.16  KAM Woon-      Dietitian                 Department of Dietetics,      Nutrition Intervention is Effective to Improve Nutrition
         cheung                                   Cheshire Home Shatin          Outcomes in High Malnutrition Risk Patients in Long
                                                                                Term Care

F-P3.17  KU Benny       Health                    Information Technology and    Mobile Module for Allied Health — a Proof of
                        Informatician (C) Health Informatics Division,          Concept Study
                                                  Head Office

F-P3.18  LAM Pui-yee    Advanced                  Department of Clinical        A Retrospective Study on “To Reduce the Door-to-
         Winnie         Practice Nurse Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital              needle Time of Antibiotic Administration for Patients
                                                                                with Chemotherapy-induced Febrile Neutropenia”

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