Page 63 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
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Service Enhancement Presentations                                                     HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P5 Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations

Location Name           Post                  Institution                     Topic of Presentation

F-P5.1   CHAK Wai-kwong Associate             Department of Paediatrics and Multidisciplinary Epilepsy Surgery and Ketogenic
                                  Consultant  Adolescent Medicine, Tuen Mun Diet Programme in Paediatric Refractory Epilepsy in
                                              Hospital                        New Territories West Cluster

F-P5.2   CHAN Chung-    Occupational          Department of Occupational      Empowerment Programme in Adults with
         man Barbara    Therapist I           Therapy, Prince of Wales        Osteoarthritis Knee: Association Between Knee Pain
                                              Hospital/Alice Ho Miu Ling      and Daily Life
                                              Nethersole Hospital

F-P5.3   CHAN Edward    Occupational          Department of Occupational      Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Home Readiness
                        Therapist I           Therapy, Queen Mary Hospital Programme for Fast Track Total Joint Arthroplasty

F-P5.4   CHAN Yue-lai   Associate             The Nethersole School of        Effects of Advance Care Planning among Patients
         Helen          Professor             Nursing, The Chinese University with End-stage Disease: A Mixed-method Approach
                                              of Hong Kong

F-P5.5   CHAN Kwok-ying Associate             Palliative Medical Unit; Blood  Remote Blood Release System for Blood Transfusion
                                  Consultant  Bank, Grantham Hospital         in a Remote Hospice and Convalescent Hospital- A
                                                                              Preliminary Experience

F-P5.6   CHAN Ka-kui    Postdoctoral          Department of Pathology, The Effect of PLK1 Depletion in Ovarian Clear Cell
                                              University of Hong Kong         Carcinoma

F-P5.7   CHAN Leung-    Associate             Department of Medicine, Queen 3D Printing — a New Concept to Guide Complex
         kwai Jason     Consultant            Elizabeth Hospital              Percutaneous Structural Heart Interventions

F-P5.8   KAM Richard    Scientific Officer Department of Chemical             Modernisation of Service Provision in Pathology
                                                Pathology, Prince of Wales    Laboratory: Determination of Serum Insulin-like
                                                Hospital                      Growth Factors by LC-MS

F-P5.9   PF CHAN        Consultant            Department of Family Medicine Redevelopment of a General Outpatient Clinic into a
                                              and Primary Health Care, United Community Health Centre — Meeting the Healthcare
                                              Christian Hospital              Needs

F-P5.10  CHAN Fai-lap   Physiotherapist I Department of Physiotherapy,        Hybrid Robotic Lower Limb Training and Tilt-Table
         Philip                                 Shatin Hospital               Machine Hastens Recovery for Patients with Severe

F-P5.11  CHEN Phoon-    Consultant            Department of Anaesthesiology, In-situ Medical Simulation for Pre-implementation
         ping                                 North District Hospital         Testing of a New Clinical Service

F-P5.12  CHENG Kin-hung Associate             Orthopaedics and Traumatology   Self-management Education Sessions and System
         William        Consultant            Department, Queen Elizabeth     Redesign in Orthopaedic Outpatient Service
                                              Hospital                        Reduces Waiting Time and Cost for Treatment of
                                                                              Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain

F-P5.13  CHEUNG Philip Associate              Department of Orthopaedics      Ambulatory Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis:
                                  Consultant  and Traumatology, Pamela        A Prospective Study of Minimally Invasive
                                              Youde Nethersole Eastern        Decompression for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis in an
                                              Hospital                        Ambulatory Setting

F-P5.14  CHIU Shin-yeung Associate            Department of Orthopaedics      Use of 3D Printing Technique in the Management of
                                  Consultant  and Traumatology, Pamela        a Patient Suffering from Traumatic Loss of the Talus
                                              Youde Nethersole Eastern

F-P5.15  CHOW Winnie    Advanced              Palliative Care Team,           End-of-life Care Training Programme at the Elderly
                        Practice Nurse        Department of Clinical          Homes
                                              Oncology, Queen Elizabeth

F-P5.16  HO Carmen      Consultant            Department of Medicine, Tung Effects of Early Remission on Work Ability and
                                              Wah Hospital                    Absenteeism in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

F-P5.17  HUI Fung-ping  Advanced              Department of Orthopaedics Music Cheer-up Programme for Clients with Chronic
         Beatrice       Practice Nurse        and Traumatology, North District Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Undergoing
                                              Hospital                        Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme in Day
                                                                              Rehabilitation Centre

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