Page 55 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
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Service Enhancement Presentations                                                      HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P2 Staff Engagement and Empowerment

Location Name           Post                      Institution                     Topic of Presentation

F-P2.17  WF HO          Ward Manager              Department of Medicine and      Enhancement of Patient Discharge — Nurse-led
                                                  Geriatrics, Princess Margaret   Discharge Plan in Medicine and Geriatrics and LKB,
                                                  Hospital                        Princess Margaret Hospital

F-P2.18  KUAN Wai-fan   Advanced                  Department of Anaesthesia,      Greening the Operating Theatre
                        Practice Nurse            Pamela Youde Nethersole
                                                  Eastern Hospital

F-P2.19  KWAN Man-sze   Advanced                  Department of Paediatrics and   Staff Competence Programme in Paediatric Ward —
                        Practice Nurse            Adolescent Medicine, Caritas    Taking Serum Bilirubin Specimen
                                                  Medical Centre

F-P2.20  KWAN Yuen-fan  Nursing Officer           Department of Intensive Care,   Medication Safety Working Group — through
         Eva                                      Pamela Youde Nethersole         Sharing and Learning to Enhance Medication Safety
                                                  Eastern Hospital

F-P2.21  KWOK Yuk-lai   Advanced                  Department of Medicine and      Palliative Care Education: An Intervention to Improve
         Carman         Practice Nurse            Geriatrics, Caritas Medical     Medical Nurses’ Knowledge

F-P2.22  LAI Kit-yu Kithelia Department           Department of Clinical          Engagement of Oncology Nursing Team in Quality
                                  Operations      Oncology, Queen Mary Hospital Improvement Projects through Small Team Approach

F-P2.23  LAU Yuet-ning  Ward Manager Department of Clinical                       To Enhance the Care of Patient with Chest Drain
         Eliza                                  Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital

F-P2.24  LEE Shuk-han   Paediatrician             Paediatrics and Adolescent      Enhancing Medication Safety in the Neonatal Wards
                                                  Medicine Department, Queen      by a Multidisciplinary WISER Team
                                                  Elizabeth Hospital

F-P2.25 LEE Yiu-fai     Advanced                  Department of Medicine, Pamela Staff Empowerment Programme on Enhancing Crew
                        Practice Nurse            Youde Nethersole Eastern        Resource Management Skill in Simulation Training
                                                  Hospital                        Workshop

F-P2.26 SH LEUNG        Nurse                     Nursing Services Division,      Specific-Triage-Active-Response (STAR) Model —
                        Consultant                United Christian Hospital       Triage Level of Care in Recognising and Responding
                                                                                  to Clinical Deterioration in Community Nursing
                                                                                  Service: Pilot Project

F-P2.27  LING Wing-ching Advanced                 Department of Medicine, Pamela Implementation of the Recognition of Stroke in the
                                  Practice Nurse  Youde Nethersole Eastern        Emergency Room (ROSIER) Scale for Patients in a
                                                  Hospital                        Regional Hospital by Stroke Nurses

F-P2.28  LO Kam-suen Iris Registered              Department of Clinical          Oral Care Education for Patients with Head and Neck
                                  Nurse           Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital     Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

F-P2.29  MA Hon-ming    Senior Medical Quality and Safety Division,               New Speak Up Tool to Promote Team
         Ernest         Officer                   Prince of Wales Hospital        Communication in Patient Safety and CRM Training

F-P2.30  NG Chee-man    Physiotherapist I Physiotherapy Department, Tai           From Practice to Reality: Can the Geriatric Patient
         Joey                                   Po Hospital                       Walk Safely in the Community? An Experience in Tai
                                                                                  Po District

F-P2.31 NG Suk-yi       Nursing Officer Department of Medicine, Alice Improvement Programme to Reduce Patient Fall in
                                                Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital Medical Department

F-P2.32  WONG Ho-ka     Ward Manager Department of Medicine, Tseung Empower Frontline Nurses by Engaging in
                                                  Kwan O Hospital                 Commissioning an Acute Medical Ward

F-P2.33 SIN Wai-ha      Ward Manager              Department of Obstetrics and Use of “Modified Self-rostering System” in the
                                                  Gynaecology, Princess Margaret Gynaecology Ward

F-P2.34 SIU Tsz-shan    Advanced                  Community Nursing Service,      Enhancing Best Practice of Wound Management in
                        Practice Nurse            Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital  Community Nursing Service
                        Nursing Service)

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