Page 62 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 62

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Poster Presentations
                                    F-P4 Clinical Safety and Quality Service II

                                    Location Name           Post                      Institution                    Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P4.37  MA Sik-ming    Nursing Officer/ Accident and Emergency                  Enhance the Communication in Handling CBRNE
                                             Samuel         NS Department, Pok Oi Hospital                           Patients in Accident and Emergency Department of
                                                                                                                     Pok Oi Hospital

                                    F-P4.38  MAK So-yu      Pharmacist                Department of Pharmacy, Our    Geriatrician and Pharmacist Collaborative Medication
                                             Hayley                                   Lady of Maryknoll Hospital     Management Service Provided to Dementia Patients
                                                                                                                     and/or Caregivers

                                    F-P4.39 OR Ka-hang      Consultant                Department of Medicine and     Feasibility of Inpatient Stroke Service of Integrated
                                                                                      Geriatrics, Shatin Hospital    Chinese-Western Medicine at Shatin Hospital and Its
                                                                                                                     Implications for Chinese Medicine Hospital in Hong
                                                                                                                     Kong: A Preliminary Experience

                                    F-P4.40  POON Chung-fan Advanced                  Obstetrics and Gynaecology     Reviewing the Quality and Safety of Down Syndrome
                                                                      Practice Nurse  Department, Queen Elizabeth    Screening Programme by Midwives in Queen
                                                                                      Hospital                       Elizabeth Hospital

                                    F-P4.41  SOO Chi-man    Registered                Medicine Department, Queen     Simulation Training for Nurses and System
                                                            Nurse                     Elizabeth Hospital             Enhancement to Improve Medication Safety in
                                                                                                                     Department of Medicine

                                    F-P4.42  SUEN Lap-hei   Pharmacist                Department of Pharmacy,        Development of an Oncology Clinical Pharmacist
                                             Henry                                    Prince of Wales Hospital       Training and Assessment Guide in Prince of Wales

                                    F-P4.43 WY TSANG        Ward Manager Department of Medicine, United Enhance Administration of Medication Safety on
                                                                                      Christian Hospital             Using Inpatient Medication Order Entry System

                                    F-P4.44  WONG Kit-shing Trauma Nurse              Accident and Emergency         A Continuous Quality Improvement Programme —
                                                                      Coordinator     Department, Tuen Mun Hospital  Implementation of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia
                                                                                                                     Bundle of Care in Trauma Patients in the New
                                                                                                                     Territories West Cluster Accident and Emergency

                                    F-P4.45  WOO Ching-tak  Nursing Officer           Electro-medical Diagnostic Unit A Quality Programme in Endoscopy Emergencies
                                                                                      and Department of Surgery,     through a Customised Training Programme with
                                                                                      Tuen Mun Hospital              Surgical Department

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