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Service Enhancement Presentations                                                      HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P1 Service Revamp

Location Name           Post                   Institution                    Topic of Presentation

F-P1.1   AU Kit-ying    Registered             Surgical Department, Queen     A Customer-driven Project: Establishment of High
                        Nurse (Surgery) Elizabeth Hospital                    Dependence Unit in Surgery Department in Queen
                                                                              Elizabeth Hospital

F-P1.2   CHAN Nga-chi Pharmacist               Department of Pharmacy,        Enhancing Medication Safety by Implementation
                                               Tseung Kwan O Hospital         of Inpatient Medication Order Entry Unit Pack
                                                                              Dispensing System in Hospital Inpatient

F-P1.3   PK CHAN        Associate              Department of Orthopaedics Reduction of Allogenic Blood Transfusion Rate by
                        Consultant             and Traumatology, Queen Mary Patient Blood Management Strategies in Total Knee
                                               Hospital                       Arthroplasty

F-P1.4   CHAN Yuk-fung  Advanced               Adult Intensive Care Unit, Queen Increasing Potential Organ Donation by Enhancing
                        Practice Nurse         Mary Hospital                  Clinical Service to Imminent Brain Death Patients
                                                                              through Critical Care Outreach Team: A 10-Month

F-P1.5   CHEUNG Kit-ting Resident              Department of Medicine and     Simplified Workup for Adrenal Insufficiency to
         Kitty          Specialist             Therapeutics, Prince of Wales  Enhance Workflow and Cost-saving

F-P1.6   CHIU Suet-wai  Associate              Department of Anaesthesia and Nursing Service Model for Ambulatory Surgery
                        Consultant             Operating Theatre Services,    Service — Nurse-led Pre-anaesthetic Assessment
                                               Tseung Kwan O Hospital

F-P1.7   CHOI Nga-yee   Senior                 Department of Imaging and      Establishment of an In-house Interpretation (Red
         Melinda        Radiographer           Interventional Radiology, Prince Dot) Training Programme
                                               of Wales Hospital

F-P1.8   CHUI King-him  Resident               Orthopaedics and Traumatology Towards a Unified Multidisciplinary Fragility Hip
         Tim                                   Department, Queen Elizabeth Fracture Pathway: Pilot Phase in a Trauma Centre

F-P1.9   CHUN Yee-wah Physiotherapist I Department of Physiotherapy,          Back Class for Physical and Psychological Well-
         Eva Prince of Wales Hospital                                         being for High Risk Cases from STarTBack Screening

F-P1.10  CHUN Oi-kwan   Advanced               Department of Surgery, Kwong   Specialty Nursing Triage in Breast Clinic with On-site
                        Practice Nurse         Wah Hospital                   Intervention to Minimise the Psychological Distress
                                                                              of Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients

F-P1.11  CHUNG Wing-    Advanced               Department of Surgery, Prince  Benefits of Multidisciplinary Pre-operative Education
         yan            Practice Nurse         of Wales Hospital              Classes for Adult Patients Scheduled for Elective
                                                                              Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery

F-P1.12  FUNG Ka-keung Occupational            Occupational Therapy           Redesigning the Service Delivery of Occupational
                                  Therapist I  Department, TWGHs Fung Yiu     Therapy in Community Geriatric Assessment Team
                                               King Hospital                  for Patients with Severe Limb Contractures

F-P1.13  FUNG Siu-leung Associate              Department of Tuberculosis     Facilitation of Medication Switch
                                  Consultant   And Chest Medicine, Grantham

F-P1.14  HUNG Siu-chan Nurse                   Department of Medicine and     Targeted Active Recruitment for Intervention for
         Veronica       Consultant             Geriatrics, Tuen Mun Hospital  Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in General Medical
                                                                              Specialist Outpatient Clinics

F-P1.15  LAM Kam-mo     Clinical               Department of Pharmacy,        The Multidisciplinary Approach to Enhance Efficiency
                        Pharmacist             Queen Mary Hospital            in Chemotherapy Day Centre by Using Six Sigma

F-P1.16  SY LAM         Advanced               Community Nursing Services,    New Horizontal Service Model in Community
                        Practice Nurse         United Christian Hospital      Nursing Service: Integrated Transitional Care from
                                                                              Community Nursing Service to Volunteers for Post-
                                                                              discharged Frail Elderly

F-P1.17  LAU Ping-fat   Department             Accident and Emergency         Less is More: The Shorter the Helicopter Stays at
                        Operations             Department, Pamela Youde       Hospital Roof-top, the More the Satisfaction from
                        Manager                Nethersole Eastern Hospital    Neighbouring Residents

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