Page 49 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 49

Service Enhancement Presentations                                                            HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Speed Presentations                                                                  15:45 – 16:15 Room S222 – S223
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
                                                                                      Topic of Presentation
Location Presentation Name            Post              Institution                    Engagement of Oncology Nursing Team in
                                      Department        Department of Clinical         Quality Improvement Projects through Small
F-P2.22                  LAI Kit-yu   Operations        Oncology, Queen Mary           Team Approach
                         Kithelia     Manager           Hospital

          F-P2.26        SH LEUNG Nurse                 Nursing Services Division,   Specific-Triage-Active-Response (STAR)
          F-P2.29                           Consultant  United Christian Hospital    Model — Triage Level of Care in Recognising
A                                                                                    and Responding to Clinical Deterioration in
                                                                                     Community Nursing Service: Pilot Project

                         MA Hon-      Senior Medical Quality and Safety, Prince of New Speak Up Tool to Promote Team
                         ming Ernest  Officer           Wales Hospital               Communication in Patient Safety and CRM

F-P2.39                  TONG Anna    Senior Health     Information Technology and Next Step of the Personal Health Record
                                      Informatician     Health Informatics Division, Pilot — Mobile Staff Health Record
                                                        Head Office

F-P2.43                  WONG         Cluster           Quality and Safety, New      A Longitudinal Study of Staff Survey on
                         Bonnie       Manager           Territories West Cluster     Patient Safety Culture in Public Hospitals
                                                                                     Over the Past Eight Years

                                                                                     15:45 – 16:15 Room S224 – S225

Location Presentation    Name         Post              Institution                  Topic of Presentation
                         WONG Ivy     Speech            Department of Speech         Community Feeding Skills Training
                F-P3.43               Therapist         Therapy, Tuen Mun Hospital Programmes for Old Age Home in New
                                                                                     Territories West Cluster
     B                   LEUNG Wai-   Advanced          Department of Ambulatory     The Full Automatic Alert System on
                         shing        Practice Nurse    Services Centre and Mixed    Specimen Delivery
                F-P4.31                                 Specialty Wards, Pok Oi
                         YUEN Man- Registered           Department of Orthopaedics Promoting Continuity of Care — Phone
                         hei Nurse                      and Traumatology, Tseung Follow-up Service for Geriatric Hip Fracture
                                                        Kwan O Hospital              Patients

                         LAU Ka-wing Resident           Department of Obstetrics     Territory-wide Massive Primary Postpartum
                         Martin       Trainee           and Gynaecology, Kwong       Haemorrhage (PPH>1,500ml) Survey in
                                                        Wah Hospital                 Hospital Authority Obstetric Units

                         OR Ka-hang Consultant          Department of Medicine and   Feasibility of Inpatient Stroke Service of
                                                        Geriatrics, Shatin Hospital  Integrated Chinese-Western Medicine at
                                                                                     Shatin Hospital and Its Implications for
                                                                                     Chinese Medicine Hospital in Hong Kong: A
                                                                                     Preliminary Experience

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