Page 47 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 47

Service Enhancement Presentations                                                             HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Speed Presentations                                                                 10:15 – 10:45 Room S222 – S223
Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Location Presentation Name           Post               Institution                 Topic of Presentation

F-P1.39                  WONG Wing- Advanced            Pre-discharge Service,      A New Service Model in Pre-discharge
                         yee Practice Nurse Queen Elizabeth Hospital                Service on Management of Long Stay Cases
                                                                                    in Acute Hospital

F-P1.40                  WOO Chui-   Advanced           Old Age Psychiatry          Chances and Challenges in Ageing Era:
                         ping        Practice Nurse Department, Castle Peak         Reengineering of Castle Peak Hospital
                                                        Hospital                    Psychogeriatric In-patient Nursing Services

          F-P1.44        YOUNG       Associate          Department of Medicine and  Hong Kong East Cluster Family Medicine/
A                        Betty       Consultant         Rehabilitation, Tung Wah    Tung Wah Eastern Hospital ICRC
                         LAM Suk-                       Eastern Hospital            Collaboration in Pulmonary Rehabilitation
          F-P4.21        ching                                                      Programme

                                     Ward Manager Department of Surgery, Tung Multidisciplinary Approach for Better Patient
                                                        Wah Hospital                Outcome Post Vacuum Assisted Breast

F-P4.28                  LEUNG Pui- Advanced            Nursing Services Division,  Quality Improvement in Reduction of
                         ngan Connie Practice Nurse Pamela Youde Nethersole         Physical Restraints on Patients in a Regional
                                                        Eastern Hospital            Hospital

                                                                                    10:15 – 10:45 Room S224 – S225

Location Presentation    Name        Post               Institution                 Topic of Presentation
                         YC LO       Advanced           Department of Anaesthesia   Electronic Peri-operative Documentation
                F-P3.28              Practice Nurse     and Operating Theatre
                                                        Services, Tseung Kwan O
                F-P3.30                                 Hospital
                         LUI Chun-tat Associate         Accident and Emergency      A Model of Enhanced Shared Care
                F-P3.34                     Consultant  Department, Tuen Mun        Programme for Management of Neonatal
                                                        Hospital                    Jaundice
                         PANG Shuk- Advanced            Department of Surgery,      Improving Patient’s Skin Integrity by Using
                         yi Practice Nurse Ruttonjee and Tang Siu Kin               Skin Barrier Products in Three Surgical
                                                        Hospitals                   Stream Wards

                         TAM Wai-    Advanced           Department of Orthopaedic   Quality Improvement of Clinical Practices
                         wan Vivian  Practice Nurse and Traumatology, Princess      to Reduce Transmission of Methicillin-
                                                        Margaret Hospital           resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and Multi-
                                                                                    drug Resistant Acinetobacter in Orthopaedic

                         TSANG Lap- Deputising          Nursing Services Division,  Application of “Pointing and Calling” to
                         fung Senior Nursing United Christian Hospital              Address High Risk Medication Administration
                                     Officer                                        Incident Related to Infusion and Syringe

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