Page 46 - HA Convention 2016 [Full Version]
P. 46

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Speed Presentations                                                                15:45 – 16:15 Room S226 – S227
                                    Tuesday, 3 May 2016

                                    Location Presentation Name             Post              Institution               Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P5.5                    CHAN Kwok- Associate           Palliative Medical Unit;  Remote Blood Release System for Blood
                                                              ying Consultant                Blood Bank, Grantham      Transfusion in a Remote Hospice and
                                                                                             Hospital                  Convalescent Hospital – a Preliminary

                                    F-P5.16                   HO Carmen Consultant           Department of Medicine,   Effects of Early Remission on Work Ability
                                                                                             Tung Wah Hospital         and Absenteeism in Early Rheumatoid

                                              F-P5.30         LUK Ka-hay Consultant          Medicine and Geriatrics Benefits of End-of-life Clinical Plan in a
                                    C                                                        Department, TWGHs Fung Geriatric Step-down Hospital
                                                                                             Yiu King Hospital

                                    F-P8.7                    CHEUNG       Resident          Department of Radiology,  Semi-urgent Plain Computed Tomography
                                    F-P8.11                   Kin-on                         North District Hospital   Scan as a Triage Tool to Enhance Patient
                                                                                                                       Work-flow in a Community-based Accident
                                                                                                                       and Emergency Department

                                                              FANG Xin- Associate            Department of Radiology, Automatic Call Duty Assignment System
                                                              hao Benjamin Consultant        Queen Mary Hospital

                                                                                                                      15:45 – 16:15 Room S228

                                     Location Presentation    Name         Post              Institution               Topic of Presentation
                                                     F-P6.14  KY CHOW Manager                Quality and Safety Division, Access Made Easy via QR Codes: Multi-
                                                                                             United Christian Hospital language Educational Videos for Patients
                                           D F-P6.16
                                                     F-P6.17                                                                     and Relatives

                                                     F-P6.19  IP So-ha     Nurse Specialist  Rehabilitation and        The Effectiveness of a Stroke Caregiver
                                                              Catherine    (Rehabilitation)  Extended Care,            Discharge Planning Education Programme in
                                                                                             Department of             a Rehabilitation Hospital Unit
                                                                                             Rehabilitation, Kowloon

                                                              KWOK Suet- Advanced            Department of Medicine,   Rapid Access Triage Nurse Clinic: A Service
                                                              kei Practice Nurse Queen Mary Hospital                   that Shortens Rheumatology Clinic Waiting
                                                                                                                       Time and Facilitates Early Treatment

                                                              KWONG So-    Consultant        Physiotherapy Department, Shared Care Model on New Patients with
                                                              fong Susane  Physiotherapist/  Pamela Youde Nethersole Spine problem or Knee Osteoarthritis
                                                                           SPT               Eastern Hospital          Referred to Orthopedics Outpatient Clinics:
                                                                                                                       Medicine Collaboration

                                                              LAM Kuen     Associate         Cheshire Home, Shatin     Five-year Analysis of Bacteriology in a Long-
                                                                           Consultant                                  term Care Hospital

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