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HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015  Programme by First Author


                                    CS	 Corporate Scholarship Presentations	                              S	 Symposiums
                                    MC 	 Masterclasses	                                                   SPP	 Service Priorities and Programmes
                                    P	 Plenary Sessions	                                                  ST	 Special Topics
                                    PS	 Parallel Sessions

                                    First Author Title                                                                              Presentation Date       Session

                                    Leung KF    Extending the Lifestyle Redesign Programme from Outpatient Settings to Patient Self- Monday, 18 May 2015    ST5.1
                                                help Group — a New Occupational Therapy Service Delivery Model

                                    Leung KPA   Multi-modal Peri-operative Pain Management – an Evidence-based Physiotherapy        Monday, 18 May 2015     MC3.2

                                    Leung LS    End-of-life Care for Elderly at Old Age Home                                        Monday, 18 May 2015     ST2.4

                                    Leung ML    An Effective Cognitively Active Lifestyle Programme on Cognitive Function Improvement Monday, 18 May 2015   SPP1.6
                                                in Elderly with Cognitive Impairment

                                    Leung SFT Empowerment through Participation: Children with Intestinal Failure                   Tuesday, 19 May 2015    MC9.3

                                    Leung T     Clinical Audit on “Guideline on Protective Measures for Hemiplegic Shoulder — from  Monday, 18 May 2015     SPP3.5
                                                Occupational Therapy Perspective”

                                    Leung WT    Evaluating the Sustainability of Computer-based Cognitive Training Programme for    Monday, 18 May 2015     SPP1.3
                                                Older Adults with Cognitive Decline Managed in Hong Kong Primary Care Setting

                                    Levinson M Developing Cost-effective, High-quality Healthcare Design                            Monday, 18 May 2015     MC2.4

                                    Li CHF      Enhancing Glaucoma Care — an Introduction to Our On-going Glaucoma Programme        Monday, 18 May 2015     MC6.4
                                                Initiated by Coordinating Committee in Ophthalmology

                                    Li KFR      New Trend of Medical and Geriatric Rehabilitation — Overseas Observation and        Tuesday, 19 May 2015    CS1.6
                                                Application in Allied Health in Hospital Authority

                                    Li KY       Patient and Carer Empowerment in Rehabilitation: Challenges and Success Factors     Tuesday, 19 May 2015    MC9.5

                                    Li SWL      Rehabilitation in Hospital Authority — Challenges and the Way Ahead                 Monday, 18 May 2015     ST6.3

                                    Li YWC      Ageing Population — from Social Care Perspective                                    Tuesday, 19 May 2015    S10.2

                                    Ling WKV    Dispensing Dosage Calculator for Capecitabine (Xeloda®)                             Monday, 18 May 2015     SPP4.3

                                    Liu HW      Internal Resource Allocation — the What, Why and How                                Tuesday, 19 May 2015    S5.2

                                    Liu MSH     Ambulatory Care for Demented Elderly                                                Monday, 18 May 2015     ST2.2

                                    Lo IFI      Enhancement of Pharmacy Services Following Implementation of Inpatient Medication Monday, 18 May 2015       SPP4.6
                                                Order Entry (IPMOE) System at Prince of Wales Hospital

                                    Lo PYK      Road to Wellness: Review of “Movement with Music Programme” for Elderly with        Tuesday, 19 May 2015    SPP5.6
                                                Depressive Symptoms in Psychogeriatric Day Hospital

                                    Lo SYR      Building Resiliency in Organisation — Stepped Care Psychological Services for Staff Tuesday, 19 May 2015    S8.3

                                    Lui SF,     The Myth of Patient Engagement                                                      Tuesday, 19 May 2015    PS4.1
                                    Wong LYE

                                    Lui WM      An Education Programme on Indwelling Urethral Catheter Care for Healthcare Workers Monday, 18 May 2015      SPP2.5
                                                in a Medicine and Geriatric Unit (2014)

                                    Ma BYB      Personalised Anti-cancer Therapy for the Practicing Physicians — a Primer           Monday, 18 May 2015     MC1.3

                                    Macleod N How Crew Resources Management Training Improves Safety in Aviation Industry           Tuesday, 19 May 2015    S2.1

                                    Mak WC      Joint Pharmacist-nurse Round in Medical Extended Care Unit to Reduce Polypharmacy Monday, 18 May 2015       SPP4.4
                                                — Physicians’ Acceptance Rate and Clinical Significance of Interventions

                                    Milstein A  Redesigning Care to Assure the National Affordability of Cutting Edge Therapies     Monday, 18 May 2015     P4.1

                                    Milstein A  Use of Technology-enabled Smart Systems to Improve the Value of Healthcare          Tuesday, 19 May 2015    S6.3

                                    Mohamed RB Elimination of Viral Hepatitis: National Coordinated Response                        Tuesday, 19 May 2015    MC7.3

                                    Mok CM      Can Nurses’ Compliance to Ventilator Care Bundle Help to Prevent Ventilator Associated Monday, 18 May 2015  SPP4.5
                                                Pneumonia in Intensive Care Unit?

                                    Morley JE   Care for the Dying in Long Term Care                                                Monday, 18 May 2015     ST4.1

                                    Morley JE   Planning for Sustainable Long Term Care                                             Tuesday, 19 May 2015    S1.2

                                    Nelson T    Rotavirus Vaccine: Can This Prevent Hospital Admission?                             Tuesday, 19 May 2015    MC7.2

                                    Nicholson D Challenges in Modern Healthcare: A “Whole Systems” Approach Experience from the     Monday, 18 May 2015     P1.1
                                                         National Health Service (NHS) in England

                                    Ng AYM      Improving Outcomes on End Stage Heart Failure Patients by Palliative Nurse Follow-up Monday, 18 May 2015    SPP3.3

                                    Ng FYC      Total Knee Replacement in Octogenarians — Dilemma and Challenges                    Monday, 18 May 2015     MC4.3

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