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Programme by First Author                                             HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2015


CS	 Corporate Scholarship Presentations	                       S	 Symposiums
MC 	 Masterclasses	                                            SPP	 Service Priorities and Programmes
P	 Plenary Sessions	                                           ST	 Special Topics
PS	 Parallel Sessions

First Author Title                                                                               Presentation Date        Session

Gutenbrunner International Perspectives and Principles of the Development of Rehabilitation Services Monday, 18 May 2015  ST6.1

Haerkens M Parallels between the Hospital World and the Aviation Community — a Pilot-surgeon’s Tuesday, 19 May 2015       S2.2

Haerkens M Aeromedical Retrieval Services                                                        Tuesday, 19 May 2015     S4.2

Ho HTI    A Prospective Randomised Study in Comparing the Effects of the Combined Use of         Tuesday, 19 May 2015     SPP8.2
          Wrist Extension Splint and Tennis Elbow Band with Tennis Elbow Band for Patients with
          Lateral Epicondylitis

Ho KYJ    A Paradigm Shift for the Care of Elderly Patients                                      Monday, 18 May 2015      ST2.1

Ho YB     Two-year Gross Motor Outcome of Very Low Birth Weight Infants                          Tuesday, 19 May 2015     SPP5.2

Ho YWE    Enhancement of Patient Safety — Reduction of Unplanned Extubation in Neonatal          Monday, 18 May 2015      SPP4.1
          Intensive Care Unit

Huang F   Health System Reform in Guangdong: Present Situation and Future Development            Monday, 18 May 2015      ST1.2

Hui SK    Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Programme to Reduce Caesarean Section             Monday, 18 May 2015      SPP4.2
          Wound Infection

Humphreys A Optimise the Performance of Your Healthcare Assets: Driving Better Outcomes for      Monday, 18 May 2015      MC2.2
                     Patients, Staff and the People of Hong Kong

Kaur S    Nursing Paradigm in Cardiac Rehabilitation                                             Tuesday, 19 May 2015     MC9.2

Ko FSL    Crisis Accommodation Programme for Ketamine Abusers in Bridging the Gap between Tuesday, 19 May 2015            SPP5.3
          Treatment and Rehabilitation for Abstinence from Ketamine Use

Koh CHG   Singapore’s Tele-rehabilitation Experience: Its Basis and How It Works                 Monday, 18 May 2015      ST3.3

Koh CHG   Singapore’s Tele-rehabilitation Experience: Preliminary Results and Steps Forward      Tuesday, 19 May 2015     S6.1

Kushniruk A Predicting and Preventing Technology Induced Medical Errors                          Monday, 18 May 2015      ST3.1

Kwong CLJ Lifestyle Management Programme for Stroke Patients through Patient Empowerment Monday, 18 May 2015              ST2.5

Kwong WF  Service Enhancement for Diabetic Foot Patients with a Structured Screening and         Tuesday, 19 May 2015     SPP6.3
          Educational Programme

Lai BSP   Surgical Outcomes Monitoring and Improvement Programme and Quality Improvement Monday, 18 May 2015              MC5.3
          in Surgery

Lai J     Management of Angle Closure Glaucoma                                                   Monday, 18 May 2015      MC6.2

Lai TKT   Empowerment for Patients with Advanced Illnesses and Their Family Caregivers           Monday, 18 May 2015      ST8.3

Lam CYJ   Headed for Excellence Care: Application Experience from Overseas Palliative Care       Tuesday, 19 May 2015     CS3.2

Lam R     How Domiciliary Occupational Therapy Fill the Gap of Existing Community Services for Tuesday, 19 May 2015       SPP6.7
          Frail Elderly — a Retrospective Review

Lau HMC   Investigating Safety Culture of a Rehabilitation Hospital in Hong Kong: A Survey Using Monday, 18 May 2015      SPP2.7
          Chinese Version Safety Attitude Questionnaire

Lau IT    Inpatient Medication Order Entry (IPMOE) for Enhancing Safety and Efficacy of          Monday, 18 May 2015      ST3.2
          Medication Management

Lau YL    Pneumococcal Vaccine in Children: Current Situation                                    Tuesday, 19 May 2015     MC7.1

Lee JWY   MicroPulse Laser Trabeculoplasty for the Treatment of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma Tuesday, 19 May 2015          SPP8.3

Lee MC    3D Processing of Computed Tomography Images                                            Tuesday, 19 May 2015     PS3.5

Lee MP    Impact of the Changing HIV/AIDS Landscape on Treatment Programmes                      Tuesday, 19 May 2015     PS2.2

Lee SS    The Implication of Viral Load Measurement at Population Level in the Epidemiologic     Tuesday, 19 May 2015     PS2.4
          Control of HIV

Lee WK    Workplace Violence Prevention and Management in Hospital Authority                     Tuesday, 19 May 2015     PS1.3

Lee WK    Occupational Therapy Inpatient Enhancement Programme “My Recovery, My Action”, a Tuesday, 19 May 2015           SPP5.5
          Recovery-oriented Practice for Patients in Acute Psychiatric Wards: One Year Evaluation

Lee YYG   “Be-SMART” Computer-assisted Training Programme for Elderly Patients with Memory Tuesday, 19 May 2015           PS3.3
          Decline: Randomised Control Trial

Leung HK  Workplace Harmony — Multidisciplinary Programme for Anti-workplace Violence            Tuesday, 19 May 2015     SPP7.3

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