Self-service Data Platform
Self-service Data Platform is launched to provide high-quality sample data and advanced analytics platform for researchers to draft hypothesis and proposals for health big data research..
The sample data of Self-service Data Platform is made of structured data from around 200,000 patients randomly selected from the patient populations of 2007 and 2017, stratified by age and gender. The sample data contains patients’ demographic characteristics, attendance records to hospitals or clinics, clinical diagnosis, procedures, medication and laboratory results and radiology examination results. Researchers can make use of RStudio and Jupyter Notebook# in HADCL to draw inspiration for health big data research from the sample data by themselves.
#Please click >>here<< for the available packages in Python and R.
HKSTP users please click >>here<< for the available packages in Python and R.
Target Participants
Academic researchers from UGC-funded universities / Selected member companies from HKSTP that would like to
draft research hypothesis / proposal but do not have experience using HA clinical data
make research study by using the sample data provided*
*Ethics approval is required for research study and/or publication using the sample data in the Self-service Data Platform.
For HKSTP applicants, please visit HKSTP webpage for details.
For academic researchers from UGC-funded universities, applicants should be / have
currently an academic researcher / academic staff from one of the UGC-funded universities,
University degree,
knowledge about Python or R, and programming skills, and
basic understanding of HA clinical systems and data
For HKSTP applicants, please visit HKSTP webpage for details.
Application for the self-service is open to researchers from UGC-funded universities with established agreement on Data Collaboration Lab usage with HA. Researchers should fill in the application form and confidentiality undertaking for access to Self-service Data Platform and send to the focal point of the university. Each applicant can apply for a maximum of 5-day access to the service. Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email from HADCL Office regarding the access period and other arrangement. If applicants intend to conduct a research study with the sample data in the Self-service Data Platform and/or would like to publish the research findings, ethics approval is required.
Please contact the focal point of the university / HADCL Office for further details.
For HKSTP applicants, please visit HKSTP webpage for details.
Access to the Service
Users of the Self-service Data Platform are required to sign an undertaking before entering HADCL, and present their student / staff card for verification of identity when entering HADCL.
Output Request
Subject to compliance with the data privacy requirements as stipulated in the agreement and undertaking for the Self-service Data Platform, researchers may request for output of aggregate data and/or program scripts within one month upon last access, and may publish the research findings.
Service Hours
Mondays – Saturdays (except Public Holidays): 09:00 - 20:00
Access period will be assigned by the HADCL Office.
Please contact the focal point of the university / HKSTP / HADCL Office for service hours of the designated venue.
HA Data Collaboration Lab (HADCL), 11/F, Harbourside HQ, 8 Lam Chak Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Researchers from the following universities can access the Platform at the designated venue in university campus:
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Please contact the focal point of the university / HADCL Office for further details.
Please visit HKSTP website for details.