Page 42 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
P. 42

New Territories East Cluster
           Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued)

           6.   Property, plant and equipment (Continued)

           (a)  Capitalisation of property, plant and equipment

                (i)  The following types of assets which give rise to economic benefits have been capitalised:

                    Building projects costing HK$250,000 or more; and

                    All other assets costing HK$100,000 or more on an individual basis.

                    The accounting policy for depreciation of property, plant and equipment is set out in note 6(b).

                (ii) Expenditureon furniture,fixtures, equipment,motor vehiclesandcomputer hardware iscapitalised(subject
                    to theminimum expenditure limits setoutin note6(a)(i) above)andthecorrespondingamounts arecredited
                    to thecapitalsubventions andcapitaldonations accounts for capitalexpenditure funded by theGovernment
                    and donations respectively.

           (b)  Depreciation
                Property, plant and equipmentare statedat cost less accumulated depreciation.Additions representnew or
                replacement of specific components of an asset. An asset’ s carrying value is written downimmediately to its
                recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.

                The historicalcostof assetsacquired and the valueof donated assetsaredepreciatedusing the straight-line
                method over the expected useful lives of the assets as follows:

                Buildings                               20-50 years
                Furniture, fixtures and equipment       3-10 years

               M     v   r o t o  e    s e l c i h      5-7 years
                Computer equipment                      3-6 years

                The useful lives of assets are reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at each balance sheet date.

         Appendices     -     A. Financial Report
                The gainor loss arisingfromdisposalor retirement of an assetis determined as thedifference betweenthesales
                proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in the statement of income and expenditure.

                Capital expenditure in progress is not depreciated until the asset is placed into commission.

           (c)  Amortisation

                Computer software and systems including related development costs costingHK$250,000 or moreeach, which
                give rise to economicbenefits are capitalisedas intangibleassets. Intangible assets are statedat cost less
                accumulated amortisation and are amortised on a straight line basis over the estimated useful lives of 1 to
                3 years.
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