Page 39 - FOR FLIP BOOK [single page]Cluster report 2018-2020 (1)
P. 39

New Territories East Cluster                                                                            39
       Notes to the Financial Statements

       1.   Basis of preparation of financial statements

            The Cluster’ s financial statements havebeenprepared in accordance with theHospitalAuthorityFinancial
            andAccounting Manualas appropriate topublic hospitals and clinics under themanagement and control
            of Hospital Authority.

            The financial statements have been prepared under an accrual basis of accounting.

            Surplusesor deficitsfor theyear are transferred to theHead Office accounts in the year they arise andare
            consolidated at the Head Office.  As a result, reserves do not form part of the Cluster's financial accounts.

       2.   Inventories
                                                                          31 March 2020     31 March 2019
                                                                                HK$’000         HK$’000

            Drugs                                                                         197,582                  162,550
            Medical consumables                                                             49,330                    41,592
            General consumables                                                               2,959                      3,338
                                                                                          249,871                  207,480

       3.   Accounts receivable
                                                                          31 March 2020     31 March 2019
                                                                                HK$’000         HK$’000

            Bills receivable [note 3(a)]                                                    69,915                    47,243
            Accrued income                                                                    7,238                      6,643
                                                                                            77,153                    53,886

            Less: Provision for doubtful debts [note 3(b)]                                 (7,800)                   (6,057)
                                                                                            69,353                    47,829
       (a)  Aging analysis of bills receivable:
                                                                          31 March 2020     31 March 2019
                                                                                HK$’000         HK$’000

            Past due by:
            0-30 days                                                                       32,398                    34,484
            31-60 days                                                                      17,660                      7,846

            61-90 days                                                                      12,362                       948
            Over 90 days                                                                      7,495                      3,965
                                                                                            69,915                    47,243  Chapter VII
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