Page 48 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 48

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Speed Presentations                                                                         10:15 – 10:45 Room S226 – S227
                                    Wednesday, 4 May 2016

                                       Location Presentation Name     Post               Institution                            Topic of Presentation

                                       F-P5.8             KAM Richard Scientific Officer Department of Chemical                 Modernisation of Service Provision in
                                                                                                    Pathology, Prince of Wales  Pathology Laboratory: Determination of
                                                                                                    Hospital                    Serum Insulin-like Growth Factors by LC-MS

                                       F-P5.11            CHEN        Consultant         Department of                          In-situ Medical Simulation for Pre-
                                                          Phoon-ping                     Anaesthesiology, North                 implementation Testing of a New Clinical
                                                                                         District Hospital                      Service

                                                 F-P5.13  CHEUNG      Associate          Department of Orthopaedics Ambulatory Surgery for Lumbar Spinal
                                       C                  Philip      Consultant         and Traumatology, Pamela Stenosis: A Prospective Study of Minimally
                                                                                         Youde Nethersole Eastern Invasive Decompression for Lumbar Spinal
                                                                                         Hospital                               Stenosis in an Ambulatory Setting

                                       F-P5.14            CHIU Shin- Associate           Department of Orthopaedics Use of 3D Printing Technique in the
                                                          yeung       Consultant         and Traumatology, Pamela Management of a Patient Suffering from
                                                                                         Youde Nethersole Eastern Traumatic Loss of the Talus

                                       F-P5.17            HUI Fung- Advanced             Department of Orthopaedics Music Cheer-up Programme for Clients with
                                                          ping Beatrice Practice Nurse   and Traumatology, North                Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
                                                                                         District Hospital                      Undergoing Pulmonary Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                Programme in Day Rehabilitation Centre

                                                                                                                               10:15 – 10:45 Room S228

                                       Location Presentation Name     Post               Institution                            Topic of Presentation

                                       F-P6.20            LAM Mei-    Registered Nurse Accident and Emergency                   Shorten The Triage Category Three Waiting
                                                          chun                                Department, North District        Time to Meet the Pledge Target

                                                 F-P6.32  NG Vanessa Associate           Department of Medicine                 Fast Track Diabetes Service to Reduce
                                                          Wan-sze     Consultant         and Therapeutics, Prince of            the Accident and Emergency Department
                                                 F-P6.33                                 Wales Hospital                         Attendance Rate Due to Diabetes Related
                                       D                                                                                        Medical Problems

                                                          NG Yuen-    Department         Department of Medicine and Managing the Service Demand of Autologous
                                                          bing        Operations         Geriatrics, United Christian Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Service
                                                                      Manager            Hospital

                                       F-P6.34            LAM WS, Advanced               Nursing Service Division,              An Innovative Collaboration Service Model:
                                                          Jacqueline Practice Nurse United Christian Hospital                   Enhanced Wound Care Programme for Non-
                                                                                                                                ambulatory Discharged Patient

                                       F-P6.38            TAI Candy   Physiotherapist I  Physiotherapy Department,              The Effectiveness of Enhanced First
                                                                                         Pamela Youde Nethersole                Consultation Programme in Physiotherapy
                                                                                         Eastern Hospital                       Services for Shoulder Pain Patients

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