Page 44 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 44

HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016  Service Enhancement Presentations

                                    Speed Presentations                                                               10:15 – 10:45 Room S226 – S227
                                    Tuesday, 3 May 2016

                                    Location Presentation Name              Post            Institution               Topic of Presentation

                                    F-P3.11                  FUNG Kim- Physiotherapist I Department of                A Pilot Enhanced Rehabilitative Model for
                                                             yook Brigitte                  Physiotherapy, Kwong Wah Rectal Cancer Patients

                                    F-P3.12                  FUNG Man-yi Ward Manager Operating Theatre, Yan          Strategy to Mitigate the Risk of Surgical
                                                                                                       Chai Hospital  Sponge Retention through the Use of
                                                                                                                      Pocketed Sponge Bag in Operating Theatre

                                              F-P3.13        HO Chi-wai Nurse               Department of Surgery,    Advanced Practice: Pressure Ulcer
                                    C                                           Consultant  Pamela Youde Nethersole   Assessment Using the Ultrasound by Nurses
                                                                                            Eastern Hospital

                                    F-P8.3                   TK CHENG Registered            Department of Medicine    Facilitating Rehabilitation Process via
                                                                                Nurse       and Geriatrics, United    Group-based Health Education Programme
                                                                                            Christian Hospital

                                    F-P8.6                   CHEUNG         Resident        Department of Radiology,  Comparison Between Novel EOS Biplanar
                                                             Kai-yat                        Queen Mary Hospital       X-ray Imaging System and Conventional
                                                             Kenneth                                                  X-ray Imaging: Significant Dose Reduction
                                                                                                                      and High Level of Overall Patient Satisfaction

                                                                                                                     10:15 – 10:45 Room S228

                                     Location Presentation   Name           Post            Institution               Topic of Presentation
                                                             CHAN Chun- Associate           Department of Medicine Screening Potentially Inappropriate
                                                             man Jones Consultant           and Therapeutics, Prince of Prescribing in Older Hospital Inpatients:
                                                                                            Wales Hospital            Applying Beers Criteria to CDARS Database

                                    F-P4.3                   CHAN Tsz- Resident             Pharmacy Department,      Establishment of a Centralised Electronic
                                                             fung Pharmacist                Queen Elizabeth Hospital  Database for Documenting Drug-related
                                                                                                                      Problems and Clinical Pharmacists’
                                                                                                                      Interventions and a Pooled, Retrospective
                                                                                                                      Analysis in Queen Elizabeth Hospital

                                    D F-P4.6                 CHANG Wai- Advanced            Department of             Pre-operative Use of 2% Chlorhexidine
                                              F-P4.8         yee Practice Nurse             Orthopaedics and          Gluconate Bath Cloth Reduces the Surgical
                                              F-P4.17                                       Traumatology, Yan Chai    Site Infection After Total Knee Replacement
                                                                                            Hospital                  Surgery

                                                             CHENG Man- Clinical            Department of Pharmacy,   The Use of E Hospital Care to Enhance
                                                             ka Pharmacist                  Queen Mary Hospital       Medication Safety in Outpatient
                                                                                                                      Pharmaceutical Care

                                                             KWAN Wai- Nurse                Hospice, Bradbury Hospice A Continuous Quality Improvement Project
                                                             man Cecilia Consultant                                             to Enhance Nutrition Care for Palliative

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