Page 53 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
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Service Enhancement Presentations                                                         HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Poster Presentations
F-P1 Service Revamp

Location Name           Post              Institution                       Topic of Presentation

F-P1.33 OR Yuen-mai     Nurse             Department of Surgery, Kwong      Breast Cancer Treatment Related Lymphedema:
                        Consultant        Wah Hospital                      Early Detection, Early Intervention and Early
                                                                            Management with Improved Clinical Outcome; a
                                                                            Multidisciplinary Team Integrated Approach

F-P1.34  PANG Chun-yiu  Physiotherapist I Department of Physiotherapy,      Compare the Effects of Knee Exercise Class with
         Johnson                                Prince of Wales Hospital    Conventional and Booster Approach in Patients with
                                                                            Knee Osteoarthritis

F-P1.35  LAM Yuen-yu    Consultant        Department of Paediatrics,        Implementation of Early Maternal and Newborn
                                          Kwong Wah Hospital                Skin-to-Skin Contact in the Operating Theatre After
                                                                            Caesarean Births

F-P1.36  TSE Lap-shing  Senior Medical Department of Medicine and           Ortho-geriatric Collaboration for Fragility Fracture
         Samuel         Officer           Geriatrics, Tai Po Hospital       Patients in New Territories East Cluster

F-P1.37  TSOH Joshua    Consultant        Department of Psychiatry,         BLESSED: A Novel Medical-Social Collaborative
                                          Prince of Wales Hospital          Shared Care Model to Improve Community
                                                                            Reintegration of Psychogeriatric Patients Discharged
                                                                            from Acute Care

F-P1.38  HAU TY, Irons  Assistant         Health Information and Records    Path to Total Paperless, A Myth or A Pass? Minimise
                        Hospital          Management and Supplies,          Medical Record Storage Without Digitalisation — a
                        Manager (Health   Kwong Wah Hospital                Paper Reduction Project to Enhance Efficiency of
                        Information                                         Medical Record Handling
                        and Records
                        and Supplies)

F-P1.39  WONG Wing-yee Advanced           Pre-discharge Service, Queen A New Service Model in Pre-discharge Service on
                        Practice Nurse Elizabeth Hospital                   Management of Long Stay Cases in Acute Hospital

F-P1.40  WOO Chui-ping  Advanced          Department of Old Age             Chances and Challenges in Ageing Era:
                        Practice Nurse    Psychiatry Department, Castle     Reengineering of Castle Peak Hospital
                        (Psychiatry       Peak Hospital                     Psychogeriatric In-patient Nursing Services

F-P1.41  WOO Lai-chun   Advanced          Department of Medicine and        A Continuous Quality Improvement Programme:
                        Practice Nurse Geriatrics, Shatin Hospital          Care of Patients Using Person-centred End-of-life
                                                                            Care Model in a Convalescent Hospital

F-P1.42 PS YAU          Advanced          Community Nursing Services, Speedy Wound Care Programme: Fast Track Wound
                        Practice Nurse United Christian Hospital            Management in Community Nursing Service

F-P1.43 YIP Chun-ki     Advanced          Department of Medicine, Queen Hitting the Target: Speeding up Door to Needle
                        Practice Nurse    Mary Hospital                     time in Acute Stroke Pathway through Multi-team

F-P1.44  YOUNG Betty    Associate         Department of Medicine and        Hong Kong East Cluster Family Medicine/Tung Wah
                        Consultant        Rehabilitation, Tung Wah          Eastern Hospital ICRC Collaboration in Pulmonary
                                          Eastern Hospital                  Rehabilitation Programme

F-P1.45  YUEN Sze-man   Registered        Ambulatory Services Centre,       Re-Designing and Streamlining of the Hematuria
                        Nurse             Division, of Urology, Department  Clinic: A Successful Model in Providing Early
                        (Ambulatory       of Surgery, Pok Oi Hospital       Treatment to Cancer Patients
                        Services Centre/
                        Mixed Specialty

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