Page 45 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 45

Service Enhancement Presentations                                                               HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Speed Presentations                                                                    15:45 – 16:15 Room S222 – S223
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Location Presentation Name             Post            Institution                     Topic of Presentation

F-P1.24                   LEE Sung-    Resident        Orthopaedics and                A Multidisciplinary Group Rehabilitation
                          yee                          Traumatology Department,        Programme to Improve the Management of
                                                       Queen Elizabeth Hospital        Knee Pain

F-P1.28                   CHAN Chun- Registered        Department of Clinical          New Millennium Trend — Integrated
                          fung Nurse                   Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital Chinese-Western Medicine Pilot Programme
                                                                                       in Cancer Palliative Care Unit in Tuen Mun

          F-P1.37         TSOH Joshua Consultant       Department of Psychiatry,       BLESSED: A Novel Medical-Social
A                                                      Prince of Wales Hospital        Collaborative Shared Care Model to Improve
                                                                                       Community Reintegration of Psychogeriatric
                                                                                       Patients Discharged from Acute Care

F-P2.18                   KUAN Wai-    Advanced        Department of Anaesthesia, Greening the Operating Theatre
                          fan          Practice Nurse Pamela Youde Nethersole
                                                       Eastern Hospital

F-P2.20                   KWAN Yuen- Nursing Officer Department of Intensive           Medication Safety Working Group — through
                          fan Eva                      Care, Pamela Youde              Sharing and Learning to Enhance Medication
                                                       Nethersole Eastern Hospital Safety

                                                                                      15:45 – 16:15 Room S224 – S225

 Location Presentation    Name         Post            Institution                     Topic of Presentation
                          KAM Woon- Dietitian          Department of Dietetics,        Nutrition Intervention is Effective to Improve
                 F-P3.17  cheung                       Cheshire Home Shatin            Nutrition Outcomes in High Malnutrition Risk
                                                                                       Patients in Long Term Care
       B                  KU Benny     Health          Health Informatics, IT          Mobile Module for Allied Health — a Proof of
                                       Informatician                                   Concept Study
                 F-P3.19               (C)

                          LAM Pui-yee  Advanced        Department of Clinical          A Retrospective Study on “To Reduce
                          Winnie       Practice Nurse  Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital the Door-to-needle Time of Antibiotic
                                                                                       Administration for Patients with
                                                                                       Chemotherapy-induced Febrile Neutropenia”

                          LAM Yuk-yin Registered       Department of Surgery,          Implementation of Mobile App on Stoma
                                             Nurse     North District Hospital         Care Education

F-P3.22                   LEUNG Pui-   Ward Manager Department of Obstetrics           Implementation of Electronic Patient Care
                          han                               and Gynaecology, Princess  Plan in Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics and
                                                            Margaret Hospital          Traumatology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
                                                                                       Departments of Princess Margaret Hospital

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