Page 43 - HA Convention 2016 [Messages and Programmes]
P. 43

Service Enhancement Presentations                                                        HOSPITAL AUTHORITY CONVENTION 2016

Speed Presentations                                                             10:15–10:45 Room S222 – S223
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Location Presentation Name           Post          Institution                  Topic of Presentation

F-P1.3                  PK CHAN      Associate     Department of Orthopaedics Reduction of Allogenic Blood Transfusion
                                     Consultant    and Traumatology, Queen Rate by Patient Blood Management
                                                   Mary Hospital                Strategies in Total Knee Arthroplasty

F-P1.4                  CHAN Yuk- Advanced         Adult Intensive Care Unit,   Increasing Potential Organ Donation by
                        fung Practice Nurse Queen Mary Hospital                 Enhancing Clinical Service to Imminent
                                                                                Brain Death Patients through Critical Care
                                                                                Outreach Team: A 10-Month Experience

          F-P1.6        CHIU Suet- Associate       Department of Anaesthesia    Nursing Service Model for Ambulatory
A                       wai Consultant             and Operating Theatre        Surgery Service — Nurse-led Pre-
                                                   Services, Tseung Kwan O      anaesthetic Assessment

F-P1.7                  CHOI Nga-    Senior        Department of Imaging and    Establishment of an In-house Interpretation
                        yee Melinda  Radiographer  Interventional Radiology,    (Red Dot) Training Programme
                                                   Prince of Wales Hospital

F-P1.16                 SY LAM       Advanced      Community Nursing            New Horizontal Service Model in Community
                                     Practice Nurse Services, United Christian  Nursing Service: Integrated Transitional
                                                   Hospital                     Care from Community Nursing Service to
                                                                                Volunteers for Post-discharged Frail Elderly

Location Presentation   Name         Post          Institution                  10:15–10:45 Room S224 – S225
                F-P3.3                                                          Topic of Presentation

                F-P3.4  AU Lai-fan   Dietitian     Department of Dietetics,     Enhanced Management of Dysphagia
      B                 Vanessa                    Shatin Hospital              Patients — a Multidisciplinary Approach

                F-P3.8  CHAN Kar- Advanced         Department of Surgery,       Quality Improvement Programme on Using
                        kay Practice Nurse Queen Mary Hospital                  Abdominal Binder to Prevent Recurrent
                F-P3.9                                                          Stomal Prolapse of Loop Transverse

                        CHEUNG       Occupational  Occupational Therapy         Evaluating the Efficacy of the Self-
                        Sin-fan      Therapist II  Department, Kowloon          management Programme and Its Relation
                                                   Hospital                     to the Quality of Life in the Pulmonary
                                                                                Rehabilitation Programme

                        CHU Man-wa Pharmacist      Pharmacy Department,         Clinical Pharmacy Service in Queen
                        Amy                        Queen Elizabeth Hospital     Elizabeth Hospital Paediatric Intensive Care

                        CHU Yan-yan Advanced       Operating Theatre, Tuen Mun Enhancement Programme: Trauma
                                     Practice Nurse Hospital                    Management in Operating Theatre

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